
I agree, although I think part of the reason Uber has such a big target on its back is simply because of its funding and valuation. They really didn't hit the MSM as a primary topic until last spring when they raked in over $1 billion in VC funding, coupled with them going head-to-head against Lyft in trying to gain

Sorry, but this is much ado about nothing. If it's just names and DL numbers that were hacked, then WTF is even the *point*? You can simply buy that shit from your friendly neighborhood data-mining company (totally legally). If it was SSNs, that'd be another story, but the only odd part of this story is Uber waiting

"Barring a crash, of course."

Oh, the irony. I just tried ordering on the Apple Store app via my iPad — just out of curiosity, since I already placed my order — and ... it crashed. Tried it on my iPhone and ... it crashed. (To be fair, I'm running the iOS 8 beta on both devices, but still: you'd think Apple would make sure its own app

I've been wondering that, too. I went with their AT&T Next installment plan, and I *think* it lets you keep your existing service plan; similar to T-Mobile, they've apparently separated service and products into separate categories. OTOH there was some confusing language on my confirmation screen that I can no longer

Okay, scratch that. The app's online but every version is still showing as "unavailable."

BREAKING NEWS: Apple Store app is up and fully functional!

Huh. I guess the predictions that the Plus would be the hot seller were correct. I ordered the same thing, minus the plus (so to speak), and got this:

Ditto. It's now 12:20am PST and still no sto'. Meanwhile, I had up — and had myself logged in — as a backup, although I fully expected it'd be AT&T's site, not Apple's, that would be shitting the bed, instead of the other way around.

What type of phone did you get? I bought a gray iPhone 6 via AT&T's site and was told it'd arrive on the 19th.

"Vomit is the most disgusting of bodily fluids (to me) and I refuse to sit here and come up with a valid sentence for the purposes of illustrating the Cold Lunch unless there is a significant pay raise in my near future."

"Thus ends today's Kimye wedding coverage." Thank God. I have no idea why Jezebel has been so obsessed with this ridiculous spectacle.

That's only half the problem. The other half is when a character who normally drives a late-model car all of a sudden shows up driving a car best described as "not a total piece of shit but worth about $6K instead of the $40K we shelled out for the newer ride." Whenever this happens, it is nearly 100% GUARANTEED that

It's this: there's a car (or any technical thing, really), there's a guy, there's a girl. Girl mentions car. Guy talks to girl like she doesn't know anything about cars. Girl plays dumb. Guy's friend shows up, girl then spouts a solid minute of technobabble about the car showing she's a Big Expert. First guy looks

With respect, I'm afraid I have to disagree with Mr. Cammisa. The GTI example is interesting but nonetheless an aberration: it's a niche performance vehicle with arguably only one competitor (the Toyobaru), and as such it would logically have substantially more stick-shift buyers than the norm. A much more interesting

"For Austin to be such a progressive city, its police department is constantly in trouble for violating rights and treating people unfairly."

I will once again recommend four- and five-star hotels, regardless of urban area. I have not *once* been stopped popping (and pooping) in one. The key is giving off a vibe that you're staying there; don't hesitate for even a second at the front door, or ask anyone for directions to the bathroom (dead giveaway you're

"This is clearly a service marketed to tourists who are terrified to visit an authentic New York City restroom"

I'm really surprised so many people here have never even once tried many of the types of beef mentioned on this thread. FWIW (and IIRC), bison is sold at every Whole Foods meat counter (at a fairly reasonable price, too - by Whole Foods standards, at least). Goat (or kid) is commonplace both in Indian and many South

The operative word here is "wild." You can't have a "viable" animal food source unless you have X number of them kept in a controlled environment. Also, nearly all wild land animals hunted for food — boar, deer, bison, whatever — taste too "gamy" for the average American palate. Their meat is also substantially