
This is it. Looking for a hipster chick magnet? Get yourself a cool Saab. It's that easy!

Nah - these are more of a bourgeois bohemian buy, something people with ample cash buy to look more "authentic" (which is why you see them so often in Ralph Lauren ads, which are also a simulacrum of the lifestyle trying to be achieved). I'm guessing you'd see quite a few in places like Vermont and New Hampshire. The

How does it "look like every other American SUV"? No two-door American SUVs are even *made* these days, and only two foreign ones I can think of still in production are the widely different FJ Cruiser and Land Rover Evoque.

Denver Craigslist (although the Truck's in Texas), or go here if the ad disappears.

Same reason we have to wait for many other German cars? Hasn't the Benz CLA sedan been out in Germany since last year?

Oh, I know it was my fault; aside from me arguably driving too fast, considering it was raining and I was driving downhill on a curve, my alignment was slightly off and one of my tires was down to nearly no treat. All things considered, it was a remarkably minor wreck - no injuries and I think my total repair bill was

That is a *gorgeous* Integra ... but, like you said, not a GS-R, or even an LS stick. I used to own the former and my brother owned the latter ('96 and '97 model years, respectively, both bought new). They really weren't THAT different in performance, aside from the GS-R having VTEC and a substantially higher redline.

The noses are not 100% identical, but they're pretty damn close, particularly at the most important juncture of any BMW front (the twin-kidney grille). I don't know where you've been reading (or watching) M5 reviews, but the ones I've read have universally criticized both its electric steering and artificially


I think it's more important to note the statistical faultiness of both studies. The BMW and Benz analyses were in L.A., and in my entirely unscientific opinion from spending plenty of time there, L.A. drivers are assholes in general, and drivers of lower-end luxury cars (e.g. a 3-series) are almost invariably

More pointless Texas-bashing. Yawn. Every state has horrible people, even liberal ones like New York (see below).

A bit OT, but Carfax is a farce. I sold my last car, a BMW 1-series, after I got broadsided and sustained $15K in damage. Nothing critical was destroyed beyond repair, and it didn't have any frame damage, but still. Imagine my surprise when I saw it pop up a few weeks later on my local BMW dealer's Web site showing a

At this point he could probably afford to buy Portugal itself as well.

At what point did I imply that The New Yorker was lying?? Obviously I'm not questioning the veracity of the story, nor am I disputing that the police in Texas and elsewhere can seize property. My point was that, both in Texas and elsewhere, the ABUSIVE seizure of property in such a fashion is not at all the "norm."

I'll see your PT Cruiser ragtop and raise you one Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet.

Many of these drivers must be 35 or under, otherwise they'd know the Yugo is more embarrassing than a Smart BY A LANDSLIDE.

To be fair, no cop is going to seize a vehicle merely if they "smell marijuana." Suspecting you're involved in drug trafficking is another matter entirely, and under federal law police can confiscate (and keep) not only any vehicle with a major stash of drugs in it, but also drugs they believe were purchased from the

A few things:

WTF? Did I say I *advocated* this practice? Fuck no! I'm just telling you what the law actually is. The law may be total bullshit, but it's still the law.

Sorry, but they actually jumped a bus in "Speed" (you can see it in a featurette on the DVD release). Granted, it had no passengers, and they "erased" part of the flyover in post (so it wasn't jumping over empty space), but the jump itself was real.