
"I am unaware of any resisting arrest charge that has resulted from a verbal non-consent of search."

A cop smelling marijuana smoke in a car is probable cause by itself for searching someone's entire vehicle, at least in Texas (and probably most states). You can't "refuse" unless you want to be arrested for obstruction of justice.

You're wildly overpaying if you're buying an '08 GTS for $50K. There's one available in CT for $27.5K. I also found a relatively low-mileage one (50K) with nice 21"s for $34.9K. CPO '08 GTSs start at $40K.

Just checked AutoTrader. Cheapest '08 Cayenne Turbo for sale at present is $28.9K, albeit with 100K miles. There's also one for $33.9K with approx. 70K miles, same as the Purple Pimpmobile featured here. Finally, there's a CPO one with 55K miles available for $43.3K. None will give people the impression, unlike this

Lesson learned: buy a 911 next time. Now *those* cars retain their value.

Yeah, I'm also not seeing the value-add of the RS variant here, particularly if it has somewhat imperfect suspension and steering (albeit better steering than any recent BMW, I'm sure). I loves me a good, throaty exhaust note, but at a price tag *starting* at $105K? Seriously?? How much more on top of that are the DRC

It's older than '87. By then California had migrated to white license plates instead of the blue ones from the '70s/early '80s. The Pulsar NX came out in '83, so I'd go with circa '84/'85 for the pic.

C-ville's kinda unique, if only because U.Va. is located there. Interesting mix of old-money horse lovers, occasionally obnoxious students (particularly in the Rugby Road vicinity), and more than a few cray-cray townies.

I hate to disagree (in part), but the Bangled-up-something-awful Z4 showed up in one of the later "Hire" clips.

"Inspired" is a generous term. "Luc Besson blatantly ripped off the concept" works better. Suave Englishman + fast German car + enigmatic passenger = film franchise!

LTS has more problems as a name than I can count. For starters, it wasn't that long ago that Ford's mainstream big sedan — eventually rechristened as the now-departed Crown Victoria — was called the LTD, which is way too close to LTS for comfort. Then there's the fact that the Chevy Tahoe and Suburban have an LTZ trim

The current model? Texas used to use both Mustang 5.0s and flat-nosed Camaros to run as DPS cars. They were discontinued about 10 years ago. Now's it's mostly Chargers.

How on earth is "Need for Speed: Most Wanted" not on this list???

NB: It's an Si (little i), not SI, a la BMW then and now; the little "i" meant the engine was fuel-injected, back at a time when it was still a relatively new introduction to Honda engines. IIRC the base-level Preludes and CRXs of the era did not have fuel-injected engines.

My second car was an '87 Prelude Si. LOVED IT. (Well, except for the time I hydroplaned it into a guard rail during a sudden thunderstorm, after I failed to observe that the front tires were nearly bald. Oh, the days before ABS and traction control. Whee!) Hell, even my *mom* loved it - she'd never really driven a

Agreed. I also can't cheer someone who misspells "mentally deficient" as Shakespearean.

I'm sorry, but the Z8 does NOT belong on this list. Americans didn't "hate" it; rather, the people who could afford its $130K price tag mostly preferred flashier cars like Ferraris and Lambos. Even a cursory look at Z8 resale values — ones in good condition sell for nearly as much as they cost new — should disprove

For the purposes of this list, I assume we're excluding cars that can only exist in the world of science fiction? Otherwise, a certain flux capacitor-powered flying DeLorean OWNS it. Any and all Transformers vehicles come in second.

I can only assume you're well under 40. I'm right at that point and remember the show vividly. That said, the *actual* greatest '80s TV show you didn't know existed is called "Manimal."

Crack pipe, but only because it's solidly trumped by the comparably priced 300C SRT8 on every level. The 300 combines the best of Benz and Fiat engineering, mated to a package slick inside and out. There's also the fact that most people will mistake it for a garden-variety rental-car Impala (whereas there aren't all