Kirk Chop

Please imagine we skillfully photoshopped anime eyes onto the top image. Thank you.

oblivious jackass

I’ve never worn a seat belt while driving before, but I started doing so last week and I got in a crash! Ban all the seat belts! 

Wait, you’re the one that says “GIF” should be pronounced “JIF”, aren’t you...

Anyone else have issues with the weapon/throwable switching controls? I find them extremely un-user friendly. I can never quite remember which ones apply to the kunai, noisemakers, sticky bombs, etc. I feel like some games with similarly sized weapon arrays and variants have handled it a little more intuitively, i.e.

Every single day of my life, I grapple with the idea of saying “fuck it” and dropping difficulties down below normal. My pride stops me, but I desperately want my gaming experiences to be less stressful. So hell no, I don’t play on hard or the hardest difficulties.

I worry that people will think less of me for playing

Re: Black female Nintendo characters — Chiming in that Kate Alen of F-Zero X in 1998 may take the “first” title here.

Kate Alen in F-Zero X (N64, 1998) is a black female pilot! There is also a (human) James McCloud in the game.

Zod’s death works when we have a Superman actively saving people and preventing collateral damage during the fight (hold a building up fly some people out of the debris) the kill is less controversial and heroic.

Except that Superman doesn’t make a concerted effort to prevent collateral damage at any time during

Can’t have Joe Schmo mildly turned off by creative flourishes like interesting HUD art. Some nice unframed numbers and bars will have to do.

yo fuck magpies. so much of the “australian animals are out to kill you” stuff is internet myth, but these birds, they are the devil.

“Top of the food chain, huh? I’ll correct that mistake for you...”

I’m 7 or 8 hours into this game, and I’m still on the fence about whether I like it or not. The combat hasn’t really hooked me, but I’m hoping that gets more interesting as I unlock more skills, stances, and techniques. The setting is interesting, and the art direction mostly does a good job of selling it, but it’s

Experts disagree.

I can confirm. My wife is from Missouri and her family is all heavily Trump while living off of food stamps, making minimum wage, and living in a run down home. They are literally the people Trump and the Republicans are trying to get rid of, but they eat it all up. They parrot all the dumb fake talking points that

Oh yeah. I’ve been wearing various masks since late March around here in Columbus OH. Here’s the one I wore back in early May, when there was a group of pro-Trump gun humpers protesting the wearing of masks, and I decided to walk through them :)

You might be overthinking this. And this is coming from someone who has tried to think about how much oxygen must be in the open outer space of the Star Wars universe...

I was trying to read some comics and all the sites were down so I thought it was my internet but I went to gizmodo and that was working so I figured it was the good lord telling me to get back to work.. After 10-15 minutes I checked again and he decided I should stop working.

I bought Control for my Xbox One S and played pretty far into it before becoming increasingly frustrated with the godawful load times and persistent framerate drops. This is a great game, but clearly not designed for the vanilla Xbox One consoles. Thus, I stopped, and am awaiting the Xbox Series X so I can play it the