Kirk Chop

Riot is a dogshit company and I have refused to support them in any way for fucking YEARS now. Fuck them.

Yeah... The death is unacceptable... Regardless of the past crimes.

So much for Riot’s push to be seen as a more diverse company.  We all knew it was PR bullshit anyway.

People keep bringing up his criminal history as if it justifies his death.

Riot continues to be a hive of scum and douchebaggery.

What world does this guy live in where he thinks no professional consequences will arise from this post? Didya think you’d convince the world with your bad meme, Ron? Everyone’s gonna pack up their signs and agree to let cops keep doing cop crimes, Ron? Ron?!

Speaking of too corrupt for reform, Riot just can’t stay out of the news! 

Or was it Rogue Leader. 

I sorely miss the X-Wing series, but a Rogue Squadron game would be wonderful too... *sigh* those were the days.

That actually kinda outlines my problem with the ground forces modes; it’s so heavily tilted to the top players and heroes carrying everything that as a grunt, I never feel like I’m pitching in towards the objective. It feels like I’m just pew-pewing until the next stage of the battle activates or not.

Exactly that. The author of the post has absolutely, literally, zero understanding of what police actually deal with on a day to day basis. And that is certainly the person who should be writing on article on how to deal with the issues encountered in policing. 🤦‍♀️

I think that cops themselves aren’t the problem. Cops are there for a reason and do good. There are good cops.

And which of those people will show up at the house where a violent man has killed people and is threatening to kill other hostages he has? How will they get him out of there? Rescue the hostages? 

And groups of counselors or completely untrained people will have a better chance of solving rape cases? You better have a lot more details into how exactly that is going to work because right now “hey, guys, let us just try something different” sounds pretty sketchy.

In the case of someone needing called out for someone with a clear issue, that may be fine. If someone steals my car or breaks into my house? Hell no. They need to be trained police in that case.

This is complete stupidity written by someone who has never had to deal with what the police deal with or see on a daily basis. I’m so sick of seeing people say “defund the police” because of a few bad cops. It’s funny how the people saying that ignore that they are categorizing the whole by the bad behavior of a very

1. Better cops - Improved screening for mental health and behavioral issues, review of past affiliations (white supremacist groups, for example), and an end to favoritism given to ex-military that automatically moves them to the top of the list.

Have you done any analysis to figure out if you laid off half the cops and hired 1-for-1 a social worker to replace them how that would impact public safety? I imagine that would cause many businesses and rich people to hire armed guards (from the ranks of unemployed officers).

“Instead, we could address issues of domestic violence or sexual assault with social services and community-based initiatives, where victims are given the help they need to escape from their abuser, as well as to recover. This would allow victims—particularly in black communities—to actually get the help they need,

> I’ve never *really* needed the police, so let’s abolish them
But - who will catch the murderous criminals and neighborhood vandals?
> Community outreach will cure those things so they don’t exist.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest you probably live in a safe neighborhood and have never in your life dialed 911.