Kirk Chop

Superior in every way except not being portable. That wasn’t a very good port (Digital Eclipse) and had a save crash bug (yikes).

I was a picky eater, what fixed it was learning to cook for myself. Turns out I was less of a picky eater than it was my mom was/is a shitty cook.

You can still get a Lite, but be careful, Animal Crossing save files are tied to your hardware in case you do decide to migrate to a regular Switch model.

Someone should call CPS on your BS sitting with a plate of food until you eat it. My parents tried this when I was a kid and it was traumatizing.

“Unscrupulous” is a matter of perspective. I don’t care to have the debate.


I can understand the frustration it garners in multiplayer games where your performance is linked to the performance of others but I see no reason to give someone a hard time about not min maxing in a single player game.

I know the feeling.

Maybe by the time FFXIV is as old as FFXI is now they’ll figure out how to make a launcher that quietly updates the game in the background whether you’re logged in or not. Or how to make it so you only have to actually put in your password and token if you haven’t played on this computer in a while. 

It’s a shame she’s not getting the engagement. It seems like a lot of people may have subscribed to support someone they personally like while not being particularly interested in the content they make. I’ve done this myself and it’s probably not be so helpful in the long run if you don’t actually plan to watch.

I love her videos but it rare I have the time to sit and watch a whole 60 minute video. She could probably get more views and have to do less work if she cut them up and made six ten minute videos.

I definitely think one of the downsides of so much information sharing around games, is that push for more “optimal” or min-max commentary from people.

Pretty much the catch-all description of 70% of all comments, everywhere, with 15% being intentionally hateful, and on days when we’re really, really lucky, about 15% being kind, knowledgeable, genuine, encouraging, insightful, or funny.

It reminds me of when I was a kid and couldn’t afford to buy a lot of games. You better believe I was dragging out RPGs like crazy. Playing and replaying. Trying to wring every last drop out of them.

People are the worst.

Freedom of speech is one of those things that the founding fathers would take out of the first amendment if they saw all the shitheels on the internet today.

Totally agree on all counts. FFXIV’s account management and all services related to the game itself are a complete mess and a horrible tangled web to navigate. The UI and UX of some of the areas of their web portals looks like they are stuck in the 90’s.

Welcome to YouTube, where subscriber count is no indication of how many views your videos get, and people lose interest less than halfway through the video unless you’re stirring up shit. Her situation probably describes the vast majority of YouTube channels that aren’t related to news & gossip events.

Wow, you people need to get a life!