Kirk Chop

Me and my friends had a preset we’d play, nothing but assault rifles and the laptop gun, we’d move the crates on ravine into a sort of defensive circle and in a horde mode style mode have to reach an absurd number of kills while holding the fort against a full game of peace sims, and 1 meat sim. you always lost the

Don’t know anything about British law but demanding they not allow mods seems sort of like demanding that a paper company prevent its paper from having copyrighted works printed on it....

I was young and a bit dumb, but I traded my game boy, genesis, nes, and snes and my entire game collection for Perfect Dark and the expansion pack at Funcoland after playing through all of Resident Evil 2. I had seen a perfect dark ad in Nintendo Power and had seen the commercial with Joanna jumping out of a VTOL

Sounds like you played Perfect Dark without an expansion pack, because it’s definitely prettier than Goldeneye with one. Perfect Dark has larger areas that demanded more of the hardware, which made it rougher without the expac. It’s not like Goldeneye ran well on the N64 anyway, which is part of the reason why it’s

Jayzus. That sounds fun. We used to hole up in the “crow’s nest” in Felicity, LT guns and everything, and just mow down the DarkSims that came at us. It was like sharing a foxhole together.

My friends and I had a precursor “horde mode” that was nothing but laptop guns, proximity mines, and DarkSims.

i came to mention this specifically.

I’m not sure how many would disagree with you. I know all of my friends and I never went back to golden eye. Goldeneye gets the glory for being the originator of that gameplay style, but PD fleshed it out and made it even more fun.

Oh I played it. I kinda lucked out in this sense. I just didn’t have a playstation. I had an N64 and a family that could only afford one console per generation. So for me it’s articles like this. I played ff7 on the family computer about half a decade after it came out with the parents facepalming it needed a half gb

Hey, count yourself likely if your not an FF7 fan. Being forced to remember that game is 25 years old was like a fresh hemorrhoid. 

Especially they USE A SCREENSHOT OF IT.

I could play Counter-Operative mode all day.

Thats HD remake on 360 was the best shooter ever xD

It’s kinda weird how this article calls the game unplayable now and then doesn’t mention the excellent remaster that’s out for Xbox 360 and one. 

Gale and Zemeckis actually own BttF, not Universal (they only have distribution rights), so Universal is legally obligated to tell them about any changes or edits they make.

What the fuck is this article on about? Perfect Dark is good as hell running 4K@60fps in 2020. It still holds up really well thanks to the beyond excellent Rare Replay port. And it's not nostalgia talking. I only ever played GoldenEye but recently played through Perfect Dark with a friend and it was glorious.

Perfect Dark was the game of my first semester in college. We would gather in this one guy’s room (it was one of the bigger ones on the end of the building, and he had a big TV and stereo system) and play multiplayer for hours. Just us vs. the sims. You could unlock some really difficult ones as I recall. Good times.

By the time I finally got an N64, I had played enough Mario 64, Mario Kart, and even Goldeneye at friends’ houses that I was not as excited to own them as I thought I would be. Perfect Dark completely made up for that, though, with its seemingly endless permutations of single player and multiplayer modes and options.

“The BBC also found multiple players engaged in “penguin e-sex” is one of those sentences that I’m just happy to have read.