Kirk Chop

A picture of Tianneman Square?

The coronavirus.  

COVID-19 .......  lol

Dangerfield getting a shitty grade on a paper Vonnegut ghost wrote about his own book was a solid joke.

The movie also introduced Sam Kinison, right? Obnoxious, retrograde and yet really, really funny. I saw him perform at my college in 1987 (didn’t pay, “worked” security) and was lying on the floor convulsed with laughter while still appalled at everything he said. True cognitive dissonance.

“Why don’t you call me sometime when you have no class.”

Back to School is a much better movie than it should be. Dangerfield really elevates that movie past what should have been a cheap Animal House with an old guy. 

People liked it then. Me too (I was 12). But maybe mostly because of the novelty of the media techniques. Probably people got over it once those techniques became commonplace.  

Was hoping I wouldn’t have to say it after the masterpiece of the last game but...

Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.

Too close seating is why I stopped dining out years ago except for special occasions.

Remake PS2's State of Emergency, but instead of running through a mall, you run through Washington, D.C.

Interesting game fellow comrades! Please share location in comments so fellow plain-clothes comrade can come and appreciate leftist game with you, at your home.

Thanks, I hate it.

Thanks, I hate it.

I miss Mel Gibson the movie star.


I loved that line when I saw 2 in the theater.

My son and I watch Die Hard together (I'm his mom). One of our favourite Christmas movies.

Greatest moment of the series: The leader of the South African gang shoots down Riggs and smugly holds up his passport. "Diplomatic immunity!"
Murtaguh just cracks his neck and then puts a bullet right through the guy's skull from 30 feet away.
"Has just been revoked!"