Kirk Chop

Sometimes a single line like that is all it takes. 

FFVI is the dependable domesticated trustworthy ex-girlfriend you dumped for the hot nymphomaniac tattooed alcoholic freak FFVII.

They are doing their part by recycling... recycling gameplay mechanics and themes. Heyo!

As long as Kevin Feige is in charge and wisely keeps tapping classic Marvel character and story arcs, the MCU has at least another 15-20 years of films and TV shows in it. Get used to it. You’ll be telling your grandchildren in 2050 what it was like when the first Iron Man film came out when you were their age, while

It’s always made sense to me that dinosaurs were in fact races of birds. How can a bipedal creature like a T-Rex grow to dominance while having super tiny forearms? The extensions for wings probably never survived fossilization. Or that almost all depictions of dinosaurs show them all as featherless or furless, like

I would give anything for Feige to let this scene happen, where it takes about 5 seconds to resolve for both of them to shrug at each other and then they team up as best buddies and go do whatever the actual plot will be.

I’m hoping that the actual Tony Masters shows up in the future as the guy who designed this Taskmaster’s tech or something, and starts some real shit. Seemed kind of crazy for this movie to do a complete makeover on a character who had his own books and a fan following. This BW version was basically just a Winter

We could also go one more step backward, and also say that without the Ultron movie, Ant-Man would not have an Avengers facility to sneak into to meet Falcon in the first place.

I think it worked out. If it was flipped, it wouldn’t be that much more of a difference to me.

I’m going to have to wait and see where we’re at once the Loki series’ timeline shenanigans subside. All bets are off until then.

Great film. A couple of thoughts that stuck with me after it was all over.

I can’t stand XIII, but I respect your preferences. These annual FF comment thread battles are the best. 🤣

FFX sucked. Where are the signs for that one?

I love it. Hopefully, it grows into its own beast.

Goddammit, at first I thought we were going to get a new Jackie Chan game.

The only notables for me are the Death Stranding upgrade (although, I lost interest in being a FedEx delivery biatch of the future real quick, despite the high production values),and Lost Judgment. The rest all have shovelware-style titles.

Dark Peppy: “Do a m’fin barrel roll, ahole!”

Cool. Way better than all the EV Starbucks Trader Joe’s hipster make love not war tree-hugging names out there. Still though, we need more named after power tools and construction vehicles. Then we’ll achieve perfect balance.

I enjoy having to clear my Samsung mobile browser on a daily basis because for whatever reason after a couple of sidesteps between these linked sites, it permanently logs me out.

And probably the best kind. lol