Kirk Chop

This show is making me visualize not just a single main timeline with branches, but actually multiple parallel main timelines with their own set of branches. My brain now hurts. Gonna just sit back and watch where this show goes at this point. lol

Let him go do whatever he wants to do. If he somehow stumbles onto a franchise borne from his own doing, fine.

Nintendo will usually make minimum non-creative, technological strides on stuff like 4K until they actually become truly necessary. So far, their strategy / genius / stubbornness has been working, and for how many gens now?

Goonies never clicked with me, either. Not that I hated it or anything. It just clearly had felt to me like I happened to just be older and outside its target audience. Everyone younger than me who I knew, they loved that film to death. No question about it.

RIP, legend.

Makes sense to me. He was probably still getting paid during her off years, under the expectation that she was still an active performer. If she is set on retirement, he doesn’t need to stick around.

If Berlanti’s Green Lantern project on HBO gets the same level of effort and care to the lore as they have been giving to the Superman & Lois series, we may finally see a live-action GL and his world done right.

Just add a user-to-user driven Q&A section, like Amazon does. Someone can directly ask, “I hate Metroid games. Will I like this?”, “How is the loadout in this military shooter? Does it have a dumb “parachuting in” intro?” Etc. and then either the developer or other users can chime in. Fills in a lot of the blank areas

We’ll see how LeVar pans out, but I’m sort of hyped. I just remember that this was the Reading Rainbow guy on Star Trek who would casually throw a whole bunch of crazy Treknobabble engineering-speak at us every week and sounded so natural that we actually believed him.

One night of iconic greatness.

I wasn’t really convinced it was Will Smith flying his jet through the canyons. But other than that, I thought he brought in some much needed looseness to everything.

I mean, I’d believe a seasoned stunt professional, who also happened to work on the last LotR films, before I believe some monkey spokesman from Amazon spewing out generic “We take safety very seriously” bullshit. Thomas should have left, and he smartly did.

Just to clarify for all the grey fuckwads and future fuckwads, this was in context to this particular thread about maybe this should have just included cross-gen instead, since we’re still in a transition.

Horizon Forbidden West isn’t even on here. Kotaku is on a mission to sell more Xbox consoles, I guess. The commissions must be better here than what the guys on the Inventory website must be earning.

Reminds me of the mentor system in FFXIV. Except the advice is usually wrong half the time

Perfect Dark

Oh man, now I want to go online and if any nerds try to give me free “advice”, they’ll be met with “Whatever. Thanks Fi!”.

Mephisto was controlling Ultron the entire time!

Cool to hear. It’s a shame Xbox is still feeding off Sony’s and Nintendo’s scraps owning that 3rd place slot with some gusto. I’m actually planning on eventually picking up the XSX once the Perfect Dark Remake comes out. Whenever that actually happens. Assuming it actually meets expectations.