Kirk Chop

Yeah, I think it has been fairly obvious to most everyone that the prequels’ rep has largely, if not all, blame put on Lucas, and not really the actors. He had a cornucopia of solid actors throughout all three episodes, but turned them into little more than wooden human prop-bots talking to green screen golf balls on

Hmm, and actually to be clearer, by skins, I don’t mean their actual skin as it relates to race and diversity. Just their overall character styling and textures. Race and diversity-wise, I think Paladins might win that spot. But then again, I think both need to improve their rosters better on that front.

Oh, I just meant skins. And Paladins is great, too. It’s a toss-up, but I tilt towards OW if I was forced to choose. Just my own preference. Too bad we can’t get something like a Capcom vs Marvel-style game thing going. That would be so crazy.

When this game came out, and I shot my first exploding arrow into a raptor, I put my controller down, got down on my knees, and thanked the lord. And I'm not even the religious type.

I mean, why not just have a dude from the future with time travel tech go back in time to blow up prehistoric killers that actually existed? Simple dumb premise, but really that’s all I’d need. It would be educational, while still being a massive bloodbath. Take what the Turok games used to do, and go next-gen apeshit.

This guy gets it.

Overwatch is great at making fashion statements. The best right now.

The Pokémon seizure reborn.

I’d be down for locked preset representations across gender, race, etc, so that I fit the context of a game free from paralysis analysis from doing extraneous stuff like molding the shape of my chin, and also to not looking like a Ronald McDonald freak clown.

It would be interesting to see a new Castlevania with the horror aspects cranked up to today’s current standard.

After struggling since launch,, I managed to finally snag one from a local Target after getting a notification from a Twitter stock alert account at 3am January 20th. It was a good day overall. New console, new president.

I still follow the PS5 stock alert account on Twitter just out of curiousity to see how the PS5 hunting is going. Going by the amount of people who bother to tweet, there are legit surprised folks who do manage to slide through and get their orders in, but definitely still much despair left out there for those who

MS, don’t you worry. I’ll probably be grabbing your new console once the Perfect Dark remake is released. Just don’t fuck it up. PD Zero was a pile of hot trash.

I’ll just try to bulletpoint my thoughts.

I like Tabasco in my ramen bowls.

Maybe Sony could stop the PS5 from showing the icon until there’s a noticeable pause from the user spamming the button, and then finally show it when the spamming has stopped. Like the repeating key options we often see for keyboards.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. There must be some sort of software programming setting that can prioritize UI layers. Keep the trophy overlays (which by the way, takes up the entire lower third of the PS5 screen now and looks horrible), but have the screenshot tool ignore the capture icons.

Well you see Ari, in their internal usability lab rat studies during development this wasn’t an issue. So your reaction is incorrect. The data suggests that you should be fine with it!

lol Now this analogy is one for the ages.