Kirk Chop

Thank God for gross consumerism. lol

I usually look at a film’s reviews after I’ve seen the film, just to see how they line up with my own personal take-aways.

His coming out fireworks suit. lol

That’s a pretty dope take. I honestly don’t know what the proper solution might be, but I’d want Sam’s version to be kept enough of a difference to where it would be identified as his Cap, and not just a modded Steve Cap. I did like the design they put on film, it’s just that we need sunglasses to shield us from all

Yeah, I’m not saying I hate the outfit. I dig the design. It’s just the glow in the dark white sections. Keep ‘em white, just not super bright white. Maybe a flat white.

That PSA outfit was the worst. lol

If past Cap films are any indication, I’m hoping this will be the case.

The white sections on his outfit are so obnoxiously bright. They need to tone that shit down. An off-white, or maybe a dull silver, or something.

This is so overblown, you guys. We were all simply just reacting incorrectly to the repetitive animations, until some brave soul in a playtest group spoke up the other day. It then became a valid feature to add. All hands on deck! 

I’m an American in the US, and still pretty terrible at it. A traffic hazard, even. lol

More often than not, I find myself wishing companies would sell their dips in individual serving cups. Although, I suppose the standard packaging sizes they normally come in would be perfect for one person. But then there’s that darn sense of “sharing” that nags at me.

My body would be ready for this. But if this ends up being the case, where is the real Sharon at? Possibly with Nick Fury out in deep space helping him and Hill coordinate things? Maybe actually still out on her own surviving underground incognito, off the radar? The blip and Skrull effect messes with my damn head too

Emily’s performance in this finale seemed unusually.... one-note. Which feels strange for me to say this, because I like her as an actress and the Sharon Carter character from both the comic books and the MCU films.

Keep going if you like. It doesn’t erase this article, nor the readers who agree with Ari.

It's great when others like you guys do all the typing for me. 👍

Yes, I know all the rebuttals, and reasons, and excuses. I also know playtest groups are sometimes questionable, and can be taken too seriously. And then every game gets whittled down until there are basically one or two solutions for every player “issue”. Relying on a design by committee approach.

I'll write whatever I like, asshole.

That line of thinking is why we get articles about things like red screens, and it’s just one example. Most of us understand the utility of them 100% in this genre. Yes, we need them. Creatively, though? Bankrupt. Assembly line. The “Yo guys, we figured out the #1 health hud trick for shooters, milk it” mentality.

There is something to be said about having a history of playing all the big games of the past to learn from them. As in, not repeating bad game designs. Or even good, for that matter. Good ideas can’t go on forever. The gaming community will get tired of them real quick. See Ari’s new article on red screens, for

Yup, I agree on all of your points. It’s 2021. Let’s see what else devs can come up with. Let’s see our characters see a noticeable dip in body language. Maybe some dialogue. Change in music. Clothes being damaged by layers. More blood. In futuristic titles, body status huds. Or maybe go even deeper by not bothering