Kirk Chop

Yeah, if I’m focused on the PS5 library at this very moment, there’s nothing in it that would justify the $499 hassle.

This game needs a slider option for blood.

I was hunting since launch, going through all the .05 second long “Now in stock” “Nope, out of stock” routine until January 20, when I finally nabbed one at 3am with Target. Definitely get on those stock alerts on Twitter. You’ll get in line, leave empty handed a lot of times, but with equal persistent hope and


LOL I love it when I accidentally hit that button. It's like being a DRG jumping backwards off ledges to my death. I shove that skill way off in the dark recesses of my crossbars out of the workflow.

What you really want to do with rezzing commands is create a macro, so all you do is hit the button once, and let the macro find the current carcass next in line to auto-raise him/her. Fuck scrolling up and down the party list and fumbling with targeting. Do this:

I think job systems hit rock bottom when we had to get a job as a forklift driver in Shenmue. The gaming universe is still recovering from it.

I can’t imagine what a list of coverage restrictions by insurance companies must look like when their world is occupied by a flying Kryptonian (or two) being thrown into buildings by world-dominating villains, along with space ships with laser beams blowing up stuff everywhere. Must be rough trying to believe customer

The benefits of having an actually good UI/UX expert on games like these, where their marketing departments are doing a power circle jerk all over the front end menus to extract as much cash from the player base as much as possible, cannot be understated. The suits are all like, “We need to push everything!”. Guess

My boner felt good while it lasted.

That talk between Jonathan and Clark about Jordan wow’ed me just as much as seeing Superman’s bridge-saving scene.

Three episodes in, I’m sold on the concept and execution. The high amount of thought put into how everyone interacts with each other and the pace seems so un-CW. It’s too easy to become absorbed into these episodes. One hour just flies by. It’s ridiculous.

Has anyone created a website yet that collects all these apologies into one place?

Pudgy characters are cool, since it means most gamers can cosplay as them without wearing a fat body suit.

In an era where RPG lead characters were all angst, Skies stepped in with an upbeat, adventurous pirate dude, surrounded by an endless amount of charm and super likeable characters. Very Nintendoish, but very Sega.

Good point. I never thought about it like that, but now I do. 🤘

I tend to always go in what is now called the “Accessibility” section, and see if there’s an option for the “press to hold” vs “tap repeatedly”, and make sure it’s set to the former. If there’s a higher option to complete turn them off, aka for QTE in cutscenes, I turn them off. Not because of any physical

One of these days, I’ll need to make a committed effort to actually dust off the game and learn to git gud. I unlocked a few D.Va things, but that was pretty much it, because I spent way too much time just cycling through all the characters and their emotes and fun one-liners. I just had other games to get to at the

And if you continued looking, you would have found that when Turbine owned and operated the game, RMT spam was nearly non-existent. They policed it hard, and this was two months after its launch back when the game’s popularity was still trending upward.

Setting the PS5 to take a screenshot with a quick press works for me. Holding introduces some timing uncertainty when trying to grab an image in a fast-moving scene.