Kirk Chop

Or maybe some of them figured it out. LOTRO had a gold spamming issue at launch that permeated both through the chat channels and the player-to-player mail system. Within a couple of months, they appeared to take care of it. And even if the issue was still existent in that game, it sure as hell wasn’t as obvious as

Perhaps because the news is mostly for the folks who don’t eat and shit FFXIV 24/7?

SE is full of shit.

Numbers, shnumbers. RMT bots continue to advertise in the main cities. SE likes to keep on spouting numbers, but the eye test in-game never seems to check out. They can’t keep up. Never have. The RMT community probably work for SE anyway to boost their sub numbers.

I had a mixed reaction to the finale.

I liked the show, but there were a few spots that I didn’t buy into, mostly because the series seemed to not try hard enough to convince me.

I don’t get it. Just sexualize all the cartoons already. Keep them all hawt, both gal and guy characters. It makes the world a better place masturbating all day while growing up.

Lillian FTW 🤘

Renting games were the best.

It lived a good, full console life cycle. RIP

Minfilia has a nice pair of titties and tight abs. Need something to look at while all the dull talking and sleepy bgm is happening.

Nah, the biggest bullet point should have been about the aesthetics. Which looks below-average dumpy and ugly af straight across the board.

Thing is, to obtain them you need to:

Now playing

Last time a bgm made me significantly stop in my tracks was the ocean overworld theme in Zelda Wind Waker. Apparently I wasn’t the only person, because someone went ahead and posted a 10-hour loop of it on YouTube:

Wow, I did not know Kellogg’s was doing this. Genius move. This is grrrr-eat!

Did you really just trigger the longest comment thread in the history of Kotaku? Jezus Ker-rice.

I like my McD Filet-O-Fish without tartar sauce. Tartar sauce makes me gag every time whenever I try to break my resistance. I keep trying though, because having to remember to order them special grows tiresome. 😖

Still hard to believe he's no longer with us. Dammit.

The gap between ARR and Heavensward was a good stretch of wheel-spinning time for the devs, where they cranked out a ridiculous amount of dungeons. It’s where most new players either unsub, or enjoy the torture enough to actually keep going until they finally transition into HW. It was equivalent to the excessively