Kirk Chop

Let the battle for who is the bigger nerd begin. Start your comment engines.

That’s fine, I’ll do the complaining for you then.

Oh look guys, it’s the remaining 1/3 of the game. 

I think the last time I was all in on a launch day console was the N64. The hype was real. Traditionally, while I do get excited for new gen consoles, I don’t really feel the need to try too hard to get them day one. There’s always that one game that convinces me to drop the $$, and they usually don’t show up until

By the way, pitching and rolling simultaneously slows you down bad. They need to fix that bullshit.

Multiplayer death matches for new players will start out rough. In addition to tweaking loadouts, first thing I do is switch all power to engines and try to make that the default mode, so that I always have speed boosts ready to evade and to do the u-turn drifting.

You’ll bounce a few times, and then explode if you keep insisting on flying through that wall.

It’s pretty much all these games rolled into one. Pretty good job. Flight control takes awhile to get used to, but there's a sense that with enough practice, dogfights will get a lot more entertaining dodging and weaving through the environments.

Sometimes voice chat mute breaks in the multiplayer lobby, and I end up quitting out and restarting the queue. Fuck, I can’t stand voip.

My guess is that it’s hard to incorporate zombies and sewer levels into flight simulations.

Get out, nerd.

Ehh, let those nerds die. Sick of their bullshit anyway.

Aww, all of that time people spent investing their lives and money on will be gone with a flick of a switch. What will people do now?

BREAKING: Sony to add vibration and bidet features to PS5 console, for console sitting.

Capcom should make a top down RE 4p co-op Gauntlet brawler. lol

The same nerds who like Final Fantasy stories, and think it’s all up there with Shakespeare, when it’s really just because they were weened on localized trope-filled anime.

These look just as outdated as the word “cyberpunk” sounds. Gross.


So we’ll have to add custom wheels under them. I don’t see what’s the big deal. Get over it.

Put MAGA caps on them, and then it'll all make sense.