Kirk Chop

Of course you wouldn't.

lol I can still hear that horrible synthetic rubberband-sounding chomping sound effect in my head. If I recall correctly, it wasn’t until the 7800 and Colecovision when they were able to get Pac-Man closer to the real thing.

My first CD console game was Warhawk on a shiny new PS1, and my introduction to loading screens. So I’m sitting there staring at loading screens, interspersed with bad live action FMV’s, concerned about the future of gaming as a whole.

We'll see.

I’m guessing Tera might be taking the Lord of the Rings Online route. When Midway, then Turbine shut down, Sandstone Games took over (they have ex-Turbine devs). LOTRO is still alive and kicking today.

They are both bad in their own ways, but Apple is winning this one. It’s ultimately Apple’s eco-platform that include conditions they chose to set, and Epic willingly signed up for it.

No, go right on ahead, bro. Don’t mind me, bruh.

You are truly a shining example of FFXIV’s target demographic. Let’s have a round of applause.

Apple & Google, to Epic:

Many well-done dramatic moments. One of them that was a high point for me, was where Jin catches hell from his uncle for breaking the samurai code. That was intense. I was sitting there thinking, “Whoa, this is some serious next level drama. Damn!”.

That might’ve actually been the case. That’s interesting, good to know.

Maybe you should try to comprehend that I fucking skip cutscenes all the time because FFXIV is shitty at doing them, and maybe that’s why I put that in there,

You don’t want to get me started on the “faults”.

FFXIV has evolved into speedrunning orange-line dodging dungeons, full of players who either don’t chat, or when they do they are able to only speak in anime memespeak. And the story and cutscenes are still badly done, filled with stiff robotic animations that rely on cheap player emotes.

I wish they had put that much effort into stylizing the pause menu system, instead of a white, sterilized, modern-looking UI.

I gotta admit though, that “Princess Whats-Her-Name” was a great name at the time.

Wait, hold on. So in theory, this should also mean that Cheetos go perfect with hot dogs. Who’s up for it?

“Dynabook”? I didn’t think companies would still use any name with “dyna” in it. It’s right up there with “cyber”. lol


Let’s imagine this possible scenario in our heads: