Kirk Chop

I mean, we all got better shit to do than fumble with a cord. If I was able to wirelessly charge every possible thing in life, I will do it without hesitation.

And Wi-Fi is also less efficient than being plugged in. So what. We know anything wireless will be inferior to direct connections. Don’t care. But by all means, go right on ahead and live on the plug. More energy for the rest of us. Thanks. lol


The handling of the Star Trek franchise will be a good one to observe. It’s looking like the old business model of putting out films every couple of years and then followed by home video won’t work anymore for it. The tv landscape is way more capable of competing with it. Star Trek almost has its own ecosystem forming.

I dig it. I’d like to contribute a recipe:

Haha let’s go!

ST Beyond took the franchise nowhere and just sucked. Into Darkness had some great modernized moments, but also fell into unfortunate fan film level trash, like that radiation chamber scene role reversal nonsense.

Yo somebody, please invent fast food edible wrapping.

I should revisit Nier Automata. I think I’m on the third or 4th ending. From what I heard, it literally has endings for every letter of the alphabet, some short, some long, some weird. Ridiculous I know, but it’s overall a pretty tight game from Platinum.



I recommend asking your bosses to assign and fund a Unicron hands-on review to you. In the name of science.

I thought they nailed the Batman logo, too. The title art designs on past and present Batman comic books are so f’in bad. Whoever they got at Rocksteady making their titles is solid.

And it could certainly open up the DCU with unassuming cameos from heroes here and there, since the villains are being pulled from their respective adversaries. Pretty compelling potential scenarios if Rocksteady goes all in. And we know they will.

And between each mission, you as Amanda pick who goes on them based on objectives. And maybe even something where she needs a villain that is still on the loose, so she sends a team after him/her to add to your roster for later missions.

If Rocksteady adds as much depth to Suicide Squad as we’ve seen them do with Batman, and delves deep into the inner politics and dynamics of the squad’s reason for existence, we are going to see some serious shit go down.


The pseudo-sequel is being made by James Gunn, and most indicators so far look positive. He knows the property and what it’ll take to do it justice.

There we go. Superman as the final boss to defeat. I just hope Rocksteady calms down on putting in bullshit challenge modes and ridiculous collect-a-thons. I’m ready to see some new ideas out of the studio.