Kirk Chop

Biden: [wakes up, stretches, yawns, sets up a press release statement] “When I’m President, the ban on TikTok will be lifted.”

Only 35 years to go.

Or the MMO...

Man, where’s that live action film at...

Also, multiple animated images competing with each other for attention are kind of annoying, especially when mixed in among static ones. They all should be static still shots.

Wait, so Riot Games is affected? I may be okay with it.

Some of it is probably due to the side by side text with images. Maybe cut the real estate in half by making the text white and placing them inside the images, like I’ve seen some other sites do, allowing you to enlarge the images and not overwhelm readers.

Seems okay, but I think the number of items need to be toned down. At the moment, it kind of reminds me of those websites that cram 50 image links on to a single page. Almost as if content intended for sidebars suddenly multiplied and then spread out over the entire page like some kind of malware.

All this time I thought Home was supposed to be used for what is found in Latest. Home looks like a virus that learned how to escape its sidebars,and have now infected the other areas of the page.

GT7 with no loading times. My lead foot is so ready.

I have a sinking feeling that at some point very soon, someone will release a new game where the only action you’ll be able to perform is to pet animals, and that the tagline will be “Gotta pet them all!”.

What’s with the CalArts googly eyes syndrome? The whites of their eyes stick out past the sides of their faces. Who is greenlighting this trash?

The Tomb Raiders, and SE with the Final Fantasies of course, and the Nier Automata stuff. I can’t picture the SE honchos looking at this game and giving it a thumbs up, but here we are.

Are you saying that if they had been crazy enough to implement it, you wouldn’t be up for the challenge?

Yeah, totally. And I’ve been at a loss as to why this game, made by Square-Enix and Crystal Dynamics, who both normally put out decent to above average games, seem unable to give a critical eye here to kick the devs in the butt to get everything up to standard. The game just really looks uninspired. The Avengers I.P. d

I didn’t notice that aspect until you mentioned it just now. Look at their expressions. They all have that “Oh god, why are we in this game, this sucks, I’m bored, here we go again, can someone please just end this hell” expression. Haha

I used to go for the banana version. Can’t recall if the bread was a processed version of banana bread, or if the filling was banana-flavored. I think it was pulled (maybe banned for being a threat to society or something, I don’t know) from shelves after several years, but I clearly remember having it as a secondary

By what we’ve seen thus far of this game, it’s looking like every past mediocre-to-bad solo Marvel superhero game converged into a single team-up title. Convenient, I guess. lol

When I strip away any expectations of the Avengers hype, and try to look at the rest of the game on its own merits, it doesn’t fill me with much hope. Everything, from little shit like the Avengers logo art, to character modeling, to gameplay footage, there’s very little there that looks appealing enough to drop my $$