Kirk Chop

It kind of looks like a burrito that was left in the microwave too long. I like it.

Maybe Sony will invent a new format again to replace discs. You know how they love to find multiple ways to take our money.

Today:”Not sure, it looks kinda bad.”

“Nobody”? Did I read the title of this article we’re all commenting on correctly?

LOL I really do love reports like this one. The burn from the subsequent heat is legit. Haha!

Interesting. Does Valve even still make a profit off TF2? Just wondering about current ROI and all that.

Sorry, if I sounded like I was trying to brush off his prior experiences, it was not my intention at all. I was merely trying to state that regardless of his history, there is no justification for those cops to do what they did in the moment, whether George was in a panicked state or not.

It’s a shame that they like to throw money at Trump.

Tomorrow, we’ll see a “sorry for offending you, this is not an actual real apology” post from him, followed by a termination announcement by Riot.

His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

Now playing

You’d probably have to figure out how to rip the ROM off your GC disc. I think most of the popular sites recently caught some legal heat, so they may be kind of hard to come by today as far as simple downloads go.

Rogue Leader, but also if you haven’t yet dabbled with the Dolphin PC emulator with that game’s ROM, hooooooo boy you should give it a whirl if you can.

I’ve been jonesing for a full-on Star Wars flight-based combat game for years. The X-Wing and Rogue Squadron series were the shit back in the day, although that Episode 1 Starfighter one went into my trash bin.

Free sounds like the right price. I had jumped on the first one at release, played it for a few weeks, and then uninstalled. Enjoyed it while it lasted, but the whole “this game was sterilized by a big mainstream corporation” feel eventually turned me off. I wasn’t interested in picking up #2 just for more of the same.

Well, Looney Tunes just removed all guns from Fudd and Yosemite Sam. I’m guessing Frank Castle is next in line to join the trend. He’ll hit people with scythes instead.

Looney Tunes is fucking done. I hope the brand now dies in total hell and fucks off.

The answer is both. Working on the source of the people having social issues, while having cops at the other end when shit gets out of control. Mental therapy is only as good as the quality of the help. Same goes with the police force. It is not one or the other.

Haha that should be the take. Black actresses are all like ”whew, dodged that bullet!”.

Just replace every white character with Will Smith. He’ll solve everything.

I don’t really follow the lore that much but as a casual viewer, all this time I thought that the signal the crew received in the first movie was just from a ship the Xenomorphs took over after wiping out its crew, and that we were seeing a similar event unfold, and that this was just part of their self-preservation.