Kirk Chop

Welcome to 2020, finally. Popeye’s been holding on to that 70's Pioneer Chicken style for far too long. Nice refresh.

I wouldn’t mind a crazy hybrid version, like when you go to a Frie’s store in LA where they have a mockup of a 50's drive-in and a fake car you can sit in.

One time I remember the entire theater erupting in simultaneous laughter was opening night of the first Jolie Tomb Raider movie at the Chinese Theater in LA. As soon as that big opening action sequence ended, some dude screamed, “Wait! Pause, and save your game!”.

Yeah, unfortunately Valerian was trash. If it had came out, say, in the mid-90's like 5th Element, it might have done okay, but everything about that movie just felt so “been there, done that”.

Yeah dude, I totally am curious what your perspective will be going in somewhat fresh with little knowledge of the shitty MSQ in its current form.

Huh? I am probably right up there on the worst healers list, but going into AV on WHM (I only play healer maybe 5% of the time I’m logged on) was cake using Holy as an AOE.

How are the housing demolition timers doing?

Pretty awesome, but reading through all this began to make me wonder. So Nintendo has a rep for going after and shutting down groups that infringe on their IP copyrights, but here they rip off every single significant game idea in like the history of the entire scope of gaming genres, but then they went ahead and avoid

Potato wedges:

Cheetah’s origins have always sounded sketchy to me. I like the idea of an actual human/cheetah fierce hybrid and the psychosis and actiony fights against Wonder Woman that should accompany it, but the spiritual angle feels kinda weak. Yes, I know in WW’s neck of the DC woods we’re looking at Greek god mythology and

It’ll be a Mini version of the Game Boy Micro. Unfortunately, a choking hazard for children.

When the opening pilot premise was, “Federation ship chases Maqui ship, both get tossed into the other end of the universe and must join forces in order to survive and find a way home”, the expected story potential vs what we ended up with did not align that well.

I buy that. It recently happened to me with the first season of Star Trek Discovery. I was actually digging the overall sense of modernizing Trek story-telling, for better or for worse, until around the one or two last episodes where it suddenly caved in and became just another Trek fan circle jerk.

The show tripped over itself at the end of the pilot episode. Janeway’s big Trekkie speech about how the Feds and the Maquis would learn to co-exist, but... under the condition that the Maquis bend over and assimilate. Tom Paris was another squandered character.

The best thing about Three Men and A Baby was that the In Living Color tv show at the time did their own version with impersonations of Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, and Sugar Ray Leonard.

Now you can stock up on multiple Joycons, for when they start drifting on you.

Real inventions right here, boyee. Bring some of that with us on our trips out to space.

See the thing with me is, I was partially already aware of how periods could unintentionally have a different tone, but I continued to use them. Why? Because 99% of texting is just fluff that isn’t worth taking the email route. I want them to sense the undertone that they are being annoying.

The weir thing is, he acts and resembles Superman in real life more than in his Superman movies. That should tell us how garbage the films have been.