
No deer is shown or killed during the movie.

Without being on the field and talking to him, no one knows if he was aiming for the upright or not.

Being treated like a bad guy for expressing displeasure in reaction to some really shitty conduct by others is totally unheard of among NFL players.

Hard to believe the Panthers are undefeated at 3-1.

Like every other young person just getting out of college, all rookies must spend a couple of years in New York before leaving to find happiness elsewhere

When did people start pushing this narrative that sports are popular because it is “an escape from the real world”?

You could say he was............

Given that Dwight seems to consistently be a problem no matter what team he’s on... do we need to re-evaluate how Kobe handled that whole situation? Like... maybe it wasn’t his fault?

Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.

If I like the Danzig song, will I like this movie as well?

Been lied on a lot over the years

The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff

The absolute ruining of RGIII by the severe mismanagement of the Washington staff was fucking horrendous.

Robert Griffin is like that freshman in college who goes through 5 roommates his first semester because all of THEM are crazy.

I think Charmin Sandiego is a better name than The Mad Pooper.

“Dusty Rhodes, the Nature Boy, just got out of a coma. Coma Chameleon, the Pet Shop Boys said it best. Best Western. We’ll leave the light on for you. YouTube, they still haven’t found what they are looking for. “

These are the same people who consistently conflate “calling out racism” with “being racist against white people.”

Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.

+1 auto-play video that i want to light on fire oh shit now i’ve scrolled to a different article i guess