Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind


Aw, c'mon H-Dog. You know I'm just joshin' ya.

All of Grey's what?

Yeah, Bullitt, right?

He and I have a beef that goes way back.


You don't have to make your own merkin. You can buy one, Grizzly Adams.

At trivia one night, we were "ABC's Douching with the Stars."

Oh yeah, your mom watched it all right.

Bullshit! I refuse to believe that you have a girlfriend.

Yes, and I won't say where she left it, if you know what I mean. [WINKS; NUDGES]

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

It's a modern-day Family Matters.

Well, you called me during the…scene…to say your catchphrase.

Yup, deep as an ashtray.

He bribed them with yogurt. But not the kind you're thinking of.


I remember watching the original previews before the show started and thought, "That looks terrible." Of course, I watched the pilot for "How I Fucked Your Mother" and thought pretty much the same thing. What I'm trying to say is, I have no idea what people like.

I…I feel so…responsible.
