
While I think the haka dance request was moronic, and I completely agree with Lisa’s reaction, I was thinking about the woman’s dreadlocks being touched, and tried to think if this has happened in my white male life... then it hit me.

But 99.9% of the non-comic readers don’t know who the hell Booster Gold is, so you would have a hard time getting that movie made.

Isn’t the TV version of Flash one of the most popular Comic book franchises in TV history? Why would DC piss on all of that (which is working), to muddy the waters with another take away from Justice League.

I don’t know why, but I just feel like Booster Gold should be done as a Pixar movie. He even has the sidekick eve already!

I would agree that it is the butt of all Super Hero jokes.... except that before Charlie Cox played a very believable Matt Murdock (my wife thought they actually had a blind actor to play the part, he’s that good), there was another horrible rendition of Daredevil and Electra.... If I could only think of who did

I saw them perform at a summer festival a few years back, and the headline act was Broken Social Scene (where a few of them had performed before, along with Feist).

I know a few thousand GM employees in Oshawa who would like to discuss that thought with you.

So the real question is what is the g-limit for the human body before it breaks apart. We know that people have survived a 45 / 46 G acceleration, but could they survive 50? Would we jelly if we decelerate 80G’s? There have been car accidents that have impacts over 70G’s; could the occupants have survived if they had

This is a really good point. I went into a bank branch the other day, and I was going to use an ATM there anyway, but it was the first I noticed they didn’t have a single teller booth! There was no electronic safe, or lock box safe, and only “financial consultants” were in the building.

I originally was meaning to say a Note or Fiesta, but I had a brain fart and couldn’t think of the name Fiesta... If only there was a place where we could go to look up stuff like this... :)

Good question. I took the conversation in a completely different direction than the topic (winter car instead of 2nd car)

I’ve seen a number of people who have the 5.0L Mustang or SS Camero for the Summer, and a Note or Focus as the winter car.... AND COMPLAIN ABOUT THE LACK OF POWER!!! Why didn’t you get a better winter beater then?!?

LOL , it had to be an EVO pulling off that maneuver

Not to mention you need to check your province / state laws on running studded winter tires. They aren’t legal everywhere.

Really? He was battling the worst case of oversteer I’ve ever seen, and you are upset he missed the apex?

Agree - Moncton New Brunswick gets way more snow (9 - 10' snowbanks), but Winnipeg and Regina are just frozen hell in the winter... and I grew up in Ottawa!

I was about to say the same thing... Move to Niagara falls or north of there, and you’ll be fine, but Buffalo is in a weird triangle from Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the Escarpment (once you move there, you will hear that word so often you’ll hate it).

One typo to correct” The precautions are vitally important as wind chill can set in within 5 minutes” replace wind chill with frostbite.

Here are some scenarios of people who would have panicked:.

Interesting, I didn’t know about the badges option. It has been a while since I read the R&T article in a magazine (Note for the younger generation: it was this paper version of the blog, but it had glossy photos and came out once a month, and you could subscribe to have it delivered in the mail to your house, just