
Yeah, it might have been safer for him to say it was a “Hindenburg sized train wreck”. While we are on that though, does mixing metaphors about ship disasters and train wrecks just leave you confused

Because in heavy snow and ice, having 300 ~400 hp isn’t the benefit it would be on dry pavement. I will oversteer more in the corners due to the much heavier car (it’s about the same as a 5L Mustang for weight), and this would increase my stopping distance significantly. Not to mention my snow tires are 9" wide, so

I drive 800 miles every two weeks in areas that get really cold (-35) and I will argue that snow tires are needed, absolutely. Does having AWD / 4WD help along with snow tires? Completely.

The Merc concept you showed above was “copied” by the designer, Eberhard Schulz, who felt his styling could sell (just not by Mercedes), so went out on his own. You could find an Isdera Imperator (only 5700 ever built), but it won’t be in the 130K range. I just saw a limited edition version from Bring a trailer for

I was enjoying the start of that video, hearing the loud grumble of the EVO x go up the course, wondering why are there so many angry bees near the cameraman’s mic... That was a 20B from 2km away... Love that sound when you have earplugs. 

I would say tuners hate them, and people who want to tow things, or go up steep hills in slippery conditions but not everyone. My wife loves hers for picking up the kids, and getting groceries, and short trips in town.

I would disagree. It offered noise and flames out the exhaust... Speaking of the RX-7 I mean. It was light, and nimble and made more noise than a Mustang with H-pipes. I had ringing in my ears after watching them at IMSA races for days.

My kids loved it and wanted to watch the original because of it. They were underwhelmed by the first, only because the animated neon threw them off. Unfortunately, my kids are not the demographic obviously; otherwise there would be a 3rd installment in production now.

I think you have over analyzed this.

Wow - you girls get some angry feedback!

I appreciate the back and forth about what I might have seen, and believe me that I would feel better if this were airsoft rifles, or even pump action compressed air bb guns, but these were hunting rifles. I’m not a collector, so I couldn’t tell you the gauge of the rounds.

Oklahoma City - the counter was low (I presume for folks in wheelchairs), and they had hunting rifles on the counter with security cables and trigger locks on them, with a bell that had a “ring for assistance” sign. If i had a camera phone back then (2004), believe me, I would be sharing a picture right now.

Do you still have those plastic barriers on the magazine racks in Walmart because of the covers of cosmopolitan being too scandalous for their shoppers to see? I remember this being a big deal after the Janet Jackson Superbowl slip.

Just a side note, do you think a proper shooting brake would sell in NA? I’m starting to feel that unless your Canadian, NA should mean not available.

That’s good, because for a good looking car, it had a pretty revolting name.

GRRM: If we really want him to finish the series (1-3 books from now), he should just hand it over to Brandon Sanderson to ghost write it, and it will be ready in less than a month.

Laughing at myself now, as I realize I am apologizing for my opinion being different from yours. Not that it devolved to name calling or insults, just a different opinion.

Sorry if you took my comment that way. I was just trying to say that I would much prefer to be stuck in traffic in SF than in Toronto... The view is often prettier, and if your going to be on a slow moving highway for two hours, that is a factor.

I’m going to say that the father and under 10 year old son who left the theater about 15 min into the movie would probably be the target audience. I’m certain he never looked at the film rating, and just saw a Marvel comic book character and thought “this would be good for us to see, and I hear it’s funny”.

Having spent a lot of time driving the highways around SF, and living on the outskirts of Toronto, I would have to say that Toronto 401 is worse. It’s not just the weather, or that the motorcycles can’t weave between lanes here, but the feeling that drivers go from doing 150 km/h to 0, and back in no time has you