
Mark Webber is still a favorite of mine. He was a lot more daring than Alonso, in that he left F1 for an untested car (919) and was pushed to the limit again. Not a Toyota with no real competition, except for the sister car.

Doesn’t ROC (Race of Champions) meet the need of taking drivers from all the nations, in various forms of racing, and putting them through a small circuit in various cars meet the “who is the best driver” requirement? I love that they race in a BAC mono and the open wheelers do great, but put them in an Aston Martin

I found the same from Vinepair and Chicago tribune, the top beers in the US are Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Light... not what I would associate with a fedora wearing 30 something who is trying to say his great taste in beer is just not realized by the masses. The masses like their beer to be light in flavours, low

He’s to make up for Celine Dion. 

Should also point out that most restaurants also buy their kegs and bottle distribution from the beer store. It’s that or the LCBO (in Ontario only I mean). This increases the number of top ten purchases, as these are the standard taps in most establishments.

With 400 people on an Engineering team, are you certain one of them isn’t looking at the competition, and noticing the on board camera is showing their brake settings and bias? Even if it means the crazy Finn is squirrely at speed, if it gave him 0.5s a lap, it will be copied.

I have been wondering the same thing... As I have $1200 in tires, $600 in brake rotors and pads, and putting premium fuel in my tank, as per the manufacturer requirement, why am I concerned for the $20 in wipers, or $10 in brake fluid?

Slightly off topic, but take Rosanne Barr as an example. She said something reprehensible in a tweet, and is now crying that she’s ostracized. She still gets to have sound bites about how sorry she was for the comment, and also yell foul at anyone who supported James Gunn for his firing as a comparison.

This was the one I was wondering about as well. He admitted that he was a heel, and apologized to the person he wronged, not the public of outsiders who are the judges of his character going forward.

The new President of Mexico takes control in December. The “deal” still needs to be approved by Congress, which they have 90 days to sign off, or reject the deal. It’s a little early to break out the Tequila Toasts just yet.

I’ve not been in a trade agreement of that size before, but I have done supply chain agreements with suppliers. If there is an opportunity to “miss” a month of contract negotiations to get something else done in the meantime, I would too.

We wouldn’t burn the bridges, but recognize that Canada has rejected Free trade multiple times before it was adopted by Brian Mulroney and Ronald Reagan. Canada is small in population, but we have a number of bargaining chips that we can hold onto. It would hurt our automotive sector, but this has been threatened for

Hi Ryan,

Where was this discussion when “2 broke girls” was being cancelled? That show held to horrible stereotypes, was demeaning to women, and was one bad trope after another.

I don’t mind dramatic pauses in speeches (Churchill’s “...never, never, never surrender” for example), but I’ve found in the last 15 years we have devolved to shorter and shorter sentence structure and word density from the throne speeches. It’s a disturbing trend.

I was just reminded that the Swine flu that ended the Great War, was called the Spanish flu... coincidence?

Having read a number of his speeches, I’m afraid you have used too many commas.

True, but I think that has more to do with the size of the contact patch (315 tires on the 5L Mustang) and hydroplaning. I was behind a Lamborgini Gallardo in heavy rain, and just watching the water take away any traction he had on flat ground was very entertaining (from 200 meters back that is).

I always believed that “All Season Tires” was a made up term by people living in places that see snow for 1 day a year, but otherwise are still seeing pavement year round.

My Wife and i have been having a long running commentary about brown cars... specifically why does anyone in this day and age, get a car in brown? If it were 1980, I understand, that was the color pallet, but the only excuse we can find for buying a new Toyota in brown, is that the name of the color spoke to the