
I always thought this was the weird line that celebs cross and people try to just ignore that it happened... Jerry Lee Lewis married his underage cousin, Elvis Presley was dating Pricilla for years before they married in 67? At least Rob Lowe had the excuse that he met her at a bar, and how was he supposed to know!

Peter Jackson is probably upset for missing out on this award for the Fellowship of the Ring.

Perez is a pay driver who has helped fund a large portion of the bills through his sponsorships. I don’t see him being ousted when he brings financial backing to the team.

I was thinking the same. Driving in Thailand was one of the most anxious experiences of my life. I thought for sure I would accidently bump a family of 4 on a 80cc motorbike, and they would be a family of 3 from then on.

I couldn’t agree more... which goes well with the visual of a high school sport captain having the money for a 911, unless that kid has Jerry Seinfeld as a father.

Did you mean Captain of the rowing team? The Football team Captain to me was more of a Corvette... and the Captain of the Rugby team was a Cobra Mustang.

I was on the fence between the tires and the brake upgrade. I was in non-evo Lancer years ago and I was always feeling like the brakes were the weak point. When I bought an evo-X with the big brembos, I realized this was what the other car was truly missing. Sure the extra 100 hp was great, and the wider tires, but

If heaven exists, and if Sam Kenningson and George Carlin are there.... are they both sighing with relief that twitter didn’t exist when they were alive?

I had raced my Dad’s Craftman tractor lawn mower downhill when I was that young, but it scared the life out of me. Mainly because we didn’t think we could get my friend’s Dad’s John Deere back up the hill, and he would murder us both for even doing the race.

Neutral: I run a small production floor, and I would note that almost all of the long haul drivers who come to pickup our direct drive or LTL are people who immigrated to Canada, not born here. I asked a driver once, and he said back home (in India), he was a math teacher, but when he came to Canada, they didn’t

I think you missed the point... or more so, you missed the meaning of life, the universe and everything.

I feel like it was rated over-abundently thank you very much. I’ve always felt bad for Jennifer Garner after doing that film, considering she did all those Alias episodes with fight scenes in them... why couldn’t she tell she was starring in a cesspool?

I’m not trying to be glib about this, but how is your retirement fund secured? I presume you have a healthy 401K that you have been investing into? Remember that all of these funds are the backbone of where the money to buy and mothball companies come from.

I’m just surprised you found a picture of someone standing in front of a Kia Soul, who is not in sweatpants, holding a plastic walmart bag that they are still pissed they had to pay 5 cents for!

Neutral: What we need is some tall guy from the swamps to start a vote to give the President supreme power, so we can combat the trade federation, and save the galaxy!

Dear Steven King: Please, please release the rights to someone making a modern take on the movie Christine... I promise we have the right car for the job!

I saw the hood first, so I was filled with dread of “here comes the Kraken!” After seeing the rest of the car, it is just bizarre. :)

I’m still a fan of the Isdera Imperiator as a name. It sounds like it should be holding a small South American country in it’s tight dictator grip.

This was a good piece of automotive journalism, thank you. I enjoyed it a lot more than the diatribe on sapphire crystal key fobs (which I’m sorry to point out, is part of a car market that your current signature car list is not a part of).

There is a shot of a BMW on the tail of the #6 Penske Acura that looks like the BMW is about to swallow the Prototype.