Totally I loved the episode Pinewood derby when he dressed up like princess leia, and he stole the god particle to make stans soapbox derby racer to go faster. Then aliens came
My favorite episodes are the hate crime one, pinewood derby, super happy fun time, night of living homeless, imagination world, margaritaville, city sushi
Well anti aliasing is the smoothing of the edges of texture models so they are less jaggy on the edges of them and anamorphic resolution is the dvd resolution of the game is done in too get the cinematic effect
Nope only his so far, I remember reading they had to buy special cameras.
Well it kinda does because if this game even did come out for xbox one it would probably have to get the graphics stalled down to 720p, 2x anti aliasing and no arnomorphic resolution and it would most likely drop frames below 30
Too bad it also isn't released on the xbone because then we could see the game run at 720p and running at 15-20 fps with 2x anti aliasing and no arnomorphic resolution
It is when your running the game on higher settings I doubt it would be possible to keep it steady at 60 fps with the 4X anti aliasing and the anamorphic resolution
This game looks so slick, can't wait for it, one of the reasons I bought the PS4, I am glad however that the reduced fps come with the fact they are using the 4x anti alias which will make the game looks awesome. And that anamorphic resolution looks pretty sweet too.
Totally agree with the bots, they distract you away from killing the actual pilots, the bots would get a lot better if they upped the skill on each on
Played last night for a couple hours on PC everything is good, still not a big fan of all the AI bots for the teams though usually die because I am taking a whole bunch of them out then a real player kills me while reloading
Yes they did they sent me a beta code for xbox one when I requested PC, just got the PC code this mourning.
Don't feel so bad they are 16 hours late with mine I just hope I don't get another code for the Xbox One and get one for PC this time.
Thx did that 12 hours ago, and still waiting
All ready did 12 hours ago and I still got nothing I hope I get a PC one
I love how I registered for a PC beta code and got a Xbox One beta code that I can't use
I wish this hard stance by the developer was taken in more games
I know I was super excited until I read they weren't making it for PC or the new consoles, what the hell Ubisoft
Yay McDonald's chicken nuggets are made in my home town of London Ontario Canada
More people would if they performed even close to the 6 cores I7 with there 8 core AMD