Kirk Black

Xbox Bing Blue Waffle...

Xbox bing blue waffle

Try taking out the last character then readding it is a bug on the site

Usually that bf and premium bundle is released may or june

So trying that next time I play jenga

Now my question It looked like two people planted c4 one too boost it and bone to destroy the helicopter.

PC version does have dedicated servers but the users are responsible for them instead of a development company and since it's 6vs6 that's kinda bs

Ya but for PC there are no dedicated servers supplied by the development company and the user is responsible for 6vs6 dedicated servers

Well I am just saying everything looks okay but the AI and since the development company made such a big push with it is quite a big let down. There is no alpha for PC so I can't. So I can only speculate on the PC version and the bots are a big let down for me and also how the users of the PC version have to buy

Ya it did during the huge snowstorm first time in a 100 year that Egypt saw snow

Except for PC the end user has to pay for a 6vs6 server which I find is bs instead of the development company hosting them

For PC it's the user that has to pay for 6vs6 dedicated servers which is kina bs to make the user pay for such a small multiplayer server

I should have put for PC because they are making the user pay for the dedicated servers which is kinda bs when it's only 6vs6 real people

It would have had to do that before they released the alpha for the public trail, I am saying they are running out of time quickly to make the AI bots do more then just sitting there doing nothing.

Ya except the bots just stand there basically doing nothing which I do not like at all, but not every pilot has a mech all the time and it doesn't appear to have a kill power up to get them. It looks like it takes two minutes to spawn a new one which could have easily been pushed up to 3 if they were gonna have more

Ya but that is the cloud only I still haven't heard if the actual game will have dedicated servers from the development company

I wonder if the real reason they went with 6vs6 and 36 AI bots is because they are too cheap to make dedicated multiplayer servers. Everything looks great but the AI and since it takes close to a month to print all the blurays disks. This is most likely very close to retail version.

It takes a month to print the blurays disks so this is very close to how the game will be

I know it is so depressing everything looks awesome but the AI count at 36 to 12 real people makes me not want to get this game

Damn, I was hoping for another battle video, I enjoyed the last one, never played the game but it looked really cool