Kirk Apolo

Nice review Sev, you obviously put a lot of time and effort into the game, as well as the review. Gotta love the Uncharted series. (I'm also glad that you made a nod to the INSANE water, fire, and sand effects, they were absolutely incredible.)

This gorgeous game is not only a massive triumph of artistic design but also the quintessential JRPG experience. It has an amazingly addictive battle system coupled with an entertaining story and unique characters.

If the controls were my only real problem with Skyward Sword, I might be willing to forgive it (to a certain extent) and write it off as a failed experiment with motion gameplay. However, Skyward Sword falls flat even when the controls are removed from the equation."

I absoulutly (mispelled), disagree with this review, Resident evil 5 is, without a doubt, one of the best games to come out this year, and one of the best co-op experiences this generation. That said, I absolutely (correctly spelled) agree with his gripes about the game. There are moments when I wish the game offered

Just got it yesterday and I'm really enjoying it. I can't score it yet, since I haven't finished, but no glitches… yet! Although, I finished Fallout 3 with virtually no glitches, and then on my second play through of it I couldn't do anything without it glitching out. So… I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed and

Fable 3 is a awesome game that is kind of iffy for my age. It has tons of online interaction which can have foul talk with voice chat. You can be a man or a woman and have sex with them. There are some sex sickness too. The violence really is not bad. It is actually really okay the violent part of the game isn't bad

I agree the physics are a little silly at times but it's a videogame. I
guess it just depends on where you draw your line as far as imagination
goes. I found the game to be incredibly fascinating. I just wish that I
could replay missions somehow as I don't exactly know what is going to
happen with my progress if I