
Fuck that shithead. Fuck youtubers. Fuck social media. Fuck the culturally corrupt country.

Is this satire?

Yes I disagree with you. The green Halo edition original Xbox and the N64 color editions were awesome. This PS4 looks particularly well done.

Here is my opinion why people defend the 3ds:

Wow, such bitterness.

I own a Switch. The 3DS is still great. Sorry, Jason.

Here’s a simple psudo patch code, not exactly the same but should be much simpler and quick to do.

Is disgusting to see Sony fans defending anti-consumer practices, what a mess up fanbase.

It’s amazing how some folks end up making this a console war bullshit argument. Give me a f*cking break man.

You do realize that crossplay is something you can opt out of if you choose, right?  Not to mention that PS4 already has crossplay with the PC community, it’s Xbox and Switch that Sony’s holding out on enabling crossplay with.

No dumbass they fucked over anyone who had played fortnite on any other console with no warning. Thats not nothing, it’s majorly fucked up. Look I dont even play Forknife but fair is fair.

The craziest thing is that some people are such fanboys that they are acting like this is a good thing and somehow benefits them. It’s pure insanity to act like a company is doing you a favor by offering you less ways to enjoy your game.

I wish, they had the best controllers.

Man, if Sega put out a new console and suddenly made all their games exclusive to it...I’d buy that system. No way I’d go without yakuza, Valkyria Chronicles, Persona, etc... and I’d get to play Bayonetta again!

I think it would be cool if Dreamcast 2's VMU Is just a nice way to insert or attach a phone (or a standalone iPod-like thing for those who would complain about not having one). Then phones could just have a VMU app. 

The light of hope
Will be shining on us.....
It will lead us to a brighter day

Great screename/post synergy going on here...

It’s not in consumers best interest to put up with consoles that don’t allow crossplay.

Please make this real and release jet grind radio sequels yearly!