I’m of the mindset that this kind of labeling shouldn’t be allowed, period. It is rife for abuse by food producers. Its right up there with “low fat”.
As an adult that has returned to school, I find textbooks MUCH more useful and user friendly than a PDF. But, that’s just me.
He’s got all that stuff in his book bag, but no room for books! I remember needing to lug huge, heavy ass text books every day from school to home and back (thank goodness for lockers, even if they were tiny).
Fair enough. That tends to plague me too.
You know that they make left handed fountain pen nibs, right? Though as a rightie myself, I didn’t even know this was an issue to begin with.
Ribbons are your friend. Its too bad there are only 3 ribbons in the entire game, but they can protect against insta-death.
Oh my heck, nothing worse than a surprise attack by these buggers in the Ice Cave that ends with a 1-round party kill.
Doesn’t really compare to a Knight though until endgame, and even then its a stretch.
Gametrailers had a fantastic documentary series on the Final Fantasy games. Though they are shut down, you should track the documentary down.
Never could get into Homestuck.
I have an Office 365 subscription sold through GoDaddy, so therefore I have the 1TB version of OneDrive (sold under the moniker OneDrive for Business). Lemee tell you, it’s awful. The OneDrive for Business client crashes frequently, synchronization rarely works properly, and frequent re-syncs are mandatory every…
By contrast, Project 1999 got the endorsement from Daybreak Games.
Its too bad they require an account just to use it. Would be nice if you could try it out without that step.
With the way Yahoo!,Inc. is going, I’d be worried about losing your email address. The service itself will probably live on.
The only thing about the combat system I liked was the gambit system. But, that is also the combat system’s greatest weakness. Personally after awhile it just became a grindfest, and hit too close to home (I was a big MMORPG gamer back then).
The movie is also a callback to the pilot episode of Batman Beyond, in my eyes. Keep in mind that the movie was also intended as a series finale for the Batman Beyond series (WB is known for ending a cartoon series with a movie instead of a regular episode).
Not entirely without precedent, some early concept art for Sabin shows him with scruff.
Social Security doesn’t work at all like a retirement plan. It is a tax that Congress uses to collect revenue, and only through their good will do they actually pay out. See the Supreme Court case Flemming v Nestor