
Everyone who borrowed on the stock while trying to drive the price lower is going to have to pay up in the next few days. While Gamestop sucks, financially they’re doing fine (people have time to play games now, new consoles just came out), but hedge funds were running their stock into the ground to bankrupt them.

Your name is apt. I rather like meat and dairy.

Now that this tired joke is out of the way, commentors are welcome to say literally fucking anything else

I wonder how many new players have seen some of the allied races and say “Hey, those look cool... wait, why can I not choose those races when I create a new character?”

I do agree for uh and um, that they can be useful.

The polite thing drives me bonkers. Not only does it cause slow downs but it causes accidents. If you have the right away, you go. If you have a sign (or lack of sign) telling you to do something, do it. There’s an entrance at a shopping center near me where it’s a 3 way intersection. Cars coming off a major strip

Cool thanks for telling us. Is there anything else you used to do but now can’t be bothered to do anymore?

I had a recent conversation with a female coworker who had stopped taking birth control pills and hadn’t told her partner. She wanted a child, and she wasn’t including her boyfriend in on that decision. While it doesn’t include an increase in risk of HIV or other STIs, it does change what her boyfriend had

OK, this is bullshit, they overbooked the flight and I promise you there was a way to compensate a passenger to willingly get off the airplane. $2K? $10K? A first class flight to Paris for two and a hotel voucher? Charter a private jet to take their 4 employees that absolutely had to be there? There was a solution to

Says the guy who writes story and headline thus bringing attention and more traffic to the photos.

Silly, Fire Emblem has no problems.

I quickly gained a hatred for Takumi, but then I got a 5 star Hector the other day and I wasn’t prepared for how OP he was, it’s scary

They also need to tone down the moral arguments. The middle of the country is ready for change. They need to start explaining how little the GOP has really done for the middle of the country. Farmers need NAFTA and trade deals. Mexico is set to destroy our corn exports by switching to South American imports.

Go with Awakening instead. Fates is good, but Awakening is better.

Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?

Another commenter put it brilliantly. They don’t make games: they make interactive narcotics.

They had the suits in Season 1. They were only really used in standing scenes (such as the Eyeguy episode when Billy’s friend was rescued or during the Green With Evil saga when Goldar grabbed the bus holding Bulk and Skull in it, as well as any episode with the Rangers morphed inside the Command Center and any time

There were scenes that were filmed in the US in the suits especially later in the series like the second season and on. But for the first season almost all of the suited footage you see is from the Japanese show. Theres another comment to my response where someone breaks it all down to what is what its pretty