It makes sense. This is a logical endgame for most AAA publishers. It’s a game that comes from ten thousand focus groups, polishing every detail until it’s exactly what fans say that they want- and there’s nothing underneath.
It makes sense. This is a logical endgame for most AAA publishers. It’s a game that comes from ten thousand focus groups, polishing every detail until it’s exactly what fans say that they want- and there’s nothing underneath.
It also keeps his arms below his shoulder.
It definitely feels at least 30% directed at you. You and the couple other people talking about this with Chris on the last article.
Agreed. That video card and processor alone will nearly double the budget.
Check ProJareds video. He will disabuse you of your notions.
Sooo true! I still love this game.
It’s possible, or even very likely, that head coach Mike McCarthy is either an idiot or phoning in a lost campaign because he knows he can’t be fired on account of an unfortunate injury to his actual QB, or both
I’m sure this doesn’t matter much, but my custom-built PC runs off a Bazooka motherboard, and it works great.
God, I hope that this isn’t a misdirect.
You assume judges should serve terms, instead of a single multi-year appointment.
I can’t think of a single game where the platform you play it on matters less.
Did I hear that correctly? Was that sound at the time of impact the sound of his ankle snapping in half?
Jesus H.
Paper mills. It’s the worst part of any trip to Disneyworld.
Los Betos is also one of the most unbelievably cheap mexican drive thrus in the city. My friend once picked a bone out of a chicken burrito from there.
Has there been any investigation into whether or not this is being driven by the Pegulas? This team has obviously gone through a whole bunch of turnover lately, and ownership is the only constant.
The way they handled Doug Whaley suggests that they’re both feeling meddlesome and are wholly incompetent. This Tyrod…
Link in that final Bayonetta picture absolutely killed me.
It could happen!
I definitely played games on my iPad through much of the last labor my wife had.
Labor takes a long time! And husbands are hilariously useless until the very end. Good on him for making better use of that time than I did.
Did talking work on Nazis in the 40s?
I now have a permanent mark on my face from slamming my face into my phone after reading Lahren’s comment.