I said this the other day: I don’t get why “he’s a doddering old man” isn’t discussed more.
I said this the other day: I don’t get why “he’s a doddering old man” isn’t discussed more.
I am absolutely shocked that the first comment was not “he hasn’t already?”
As a fellow stockholder in the Packers, I approve of this message.
I like to think that they’d have said “ARE you a fucking idiot?”
I don’t know- I kind of like being silly.
This seems cruel, but in a world where the Warriors exist, and the only way forward is a true super team...
Yeah, I have admit, the spin of this article was pretty muddled.
It’s not about the people who play, honestly. It’s about people who watch streamers on Twitch.
It’s easy to forget that Kotku is owned by GMG; clearly no one here reads HamNo.
Why are we not discussing upper age limits on the presidency? We have a lower limit already. Why are people restricted based upon a lack of experience, but not because they’re too old to handle the job?
There was a legitimate reason posted a few weeks ago:
If nintendo is consistent about one thing (and only one thing), it’s this:
As the doctor said, there aren’t any studies that show evidence of that link. Anecdotally asking “couldn’t it be linked?” still comes back to the answer of “there’s no evidence to suggest they are.”
As much as I know this is probably true, I have to wonder: if they’re friends, then what’s up with Draymond knocking Lebron in the nuts?
I mean, it’s a bunch of grown men getting paid millions to throw a ball in a hoop.
I’m not making a false equivalence about the laws they’re passing.
The system is broken. That the republicans are pushing it to its absurd conclusion in new and unprecendented ways does not forgive anything in the past.
Let’s be fair- this is not a Republican thing. This is a Congress thing.
It depends.
Gotta be starfox. It’s been since the N64 since there was a not terrible one.