
You don’t sound crazy at all! Seems to me like you two have potential, and he’s probably on your level vis a vis dating experience. Remember that he’ll be just as nervous as you and also may not know what to do! Wear something that makes you feel great, and approach it as though you’re excited to catch up in person

Start Skyping him. You’ll get the face to face without having to travel. See what happens with that

Try to enjoy the time you will get to spend with him. Even if the distance limits the type of relationship you may have with him, take the bit of pleasure you can get. Even if something serious doesn’t happen with you two, this will get you more into a head space where something could happen with someone in your own

Holidays are up to the discretion of the employer. My employer does not deem Labor Day a holiday. She also did not feel that the 4th of July needed to be a holiday. My Make America Great Again-ing, fox news loving, billionaire bitch of a boss does not think that Labor day and 4th of July are holidays. Make America

I too missed SNS, but I always miss SNS and end up posting replies on Sunday. I’m grey so I don’t know if this will get out there. My Mom has to have hip replacement surgery this Friday, and I’m scared. I know it’s a routine surgery as far as it goes, but she also has a-fib so I’m concerned. I’m driving down to be

I decided after a lot of planning to try to quit smoking after turning 26 (3 days ago). My first 3 days of the quit attempt have been a shitshow: I was initially trying to go cold turkey from just over a pack a day, but screwed up so intensely that I decided a more measured approach was better... I smoked 3 on my

I have no experience in this (perpetually unmarried cuz I wanna) but go you! Be scared, be excited, be you!

Ohh two keys! I haven’t been there when it gets crazy yet but I have plans to. Will definitely have a drink for you

Are you watching me?? I literally barely leave Limestone lol I will definitely try the races and I have been trying to get up to the library because its gorgeous looking and I want in. The problem with hanging with my co-workers is that I’m the youngest by like 30 years the one person close to my age is who I am

Welcome to Lexi! Around here you’ll find that folks go out to eat a lot! There’s a really awesome local food scene downtown. I highly recommend hitting up some of the amazing local restaurants we have here. I moved to Lexi a few years ago and also struggled to make friends, but I just started connecting through

how not to feel like a hermit

Sorry to bring the heavy down on you guys, but I gotta get this out there. My father is currently dying of lung cancer. As in literally in the process of dying, while I type this in the next room. He was only diagnosed a little over a month ago, but he has lived with Progressive MS for the past 40 years, and had

It’s also helpful for a time sensitive move. A team of professional movers can get you packed and our of the house in a matter of hours. Plus, if the abusive spouse shows up their are 5-6 burly witnesses. Never a bad thing to have when you are leaving.

I drink. a lot.

So...I took a contract job in Lexington KY and I like it so far. My job is at the University of Kentucky hospital and I work with some really cool people so far. I kind of feel like I grew up overnight.

I have a similar need to transition from fancy to casual; I don’t know if you have a car, but you wouldn’t believe how much a rather plain tanktop/sleeveless shirt can be dressed up or down by adding a blazer and a strand of pearls. I just keep both in mine when I need to be casual and before I go into court I slap

question about Socializing When Single:


I talked a couple weeks ago about my weight loss (92 pounds now... huzzah!) but I also lost something else just last week: my virginity. I’m 31 and had been practicing abstinence. I wasn’t saving myself and didn’t have any hang ups about sex apart from some body image issues, I just wasn’t interested in casual sex and

That’s so awesome! I’ve been doing what I can for battered and homeless women in my own little corner of the world- setting aside money every month to buy tampons, pads, formula and towels for a couple of the women’s shelters in our area. I even bought one of them a new DVD player and some movies for their kids for