
Thank god you posted this.

I am not a troll looking to get a negative response from you. I apologize if that is how my posts have come across; we at base seem to agree on the issues of LBGT rights for the future of America (even if all of your spelling is British, lol). Your active responses have been very thought provoking for me, and I fully

I am sorry you faced discrimination in the military. Obviously, the bandaid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was an inadequate stopgap in the evolving movement towards equality, since it ended up being a terrible policy and smokescreen for abuse. Thank god it is gone, although so much more could be done to prevent further

I just wanted to say that I may not have agreed with some of your personal stances in posts before, but this one was logically laid out and expressed everything I wanted to say after reading the post. Great response!

So, we had a Constitutional amendment for interracial marriage? I don't remember that. I remember Loving v. Virginia, which like Windsor, clarified the civil rights issues regarding how the states could regulate marriage.

Wow, this post fully encapsulates why the Democratic party was the "divergent issue" party before the Republicans decided to embrace the Tea Party. Thankfully, the latter has doubled down on embracing Nixon's Southern Strategy and the subsequent racism inherent in that platform, while also being the party of Big

I think "topless" headlines to a certain number of Kardashian photos per week are part of Mama K's standard contracts.

I think that the prior posters were referring to McCarthy's vacillation on whether her son really had autism at all and to the times she claimed it was cured.

Is it weird that I have started re-watching the original Rugrats in order to recapture my childhood and because it is free on Amazon Prime? Surprisingly, I have found it to hold up to the adult viewpoint. I am now aware that this show did not talk down to children but appealed to cross-generational viewpoints. Point

I fully agree with you. People act like consensual incest is not a real thing or that it never comes up in the real world. However, I know of a real couple who discovered later in life that they were half-siblings and were subsequently convicted as felons for their relationship. They were poor people who had no real

Actually, first cousins are legally able to be married in a majority of US states, and I agree with you that consensual incest should not be under government regulation.

I probably have more feelings about this particular subject because I'm so mad at a real event, but as an assistant prosecutor I had to stand by while my boss convicted a couple on felony incest charges last year where they were both blameless yet legally guilty of felony incest on the books. This was not the

Consent is an entirely separate issue from facing government obstruction to certain types of relationships and outlawing other ones from safety concerns for minors. Lawyers, and judges, are fully aware that children and animals cannot consent to sexual acts ever. Bestiality and pedophilia will never gain legality

Just as a response to the KP, I will tell you that the best thing that worked for me is switching to a chlorine filtered showerhead. Mine cost only $30 on amazon. In addition to this, I tried over years to limit soaping up my arms in general when bathing. Dryness only facilitates the unsightly red bumps, and

I bought Night Film immediately when it came out on Kindle but have not yet read it. I know that it would obsess me to the point of no sleep for 2-3 days/I want to save it for a time I really need a great book. That means that it is ready to go once I can scramble time off from real life, lol.

I really want to watch this movie but can't find it legally anywhere. I think I will be compelled to find it on solarmovie tonight.

I am constantly reading and sample from many genres, so I would love to share my most memorable faves. I caved to the kindle in 2011 and have never looked back; the space saved alone is a godsend. When I did study abroad in college a few years ago, I discovered a discount bookstore, which necessitated me to bring

I didn't go into my initial post to advocate spending habits for people facing real food shortages. In no way does my advice help people using WIC because they already have to plan around the legal obstacles as to what they are allowed to spend their food money on, namely fast food purchases. In my home state,

I am inexplicably heartened by your multiple posts to my initial one of food love, which was naively focused on it's intent to subvert classist views as to gourmand wants and budget.

I meant my real flesh and blood sisters in my earlier post, who had the same limited student budget as I did. From the same starting point, we greatly diverged in how we chose to budget our money.