
Sorry the movie based on a true story stuck to general indisuptable truths about the character's biography. Nor does the movie "never mind" making a point that you feel the need to echo, his victims included Jews (namely Elie Wiesel). While I won't feign ignorance of the sort of anti-semitism you speak of, objecting

"Season 1?"

Becca James is one precocious two year old. Simon & Garfunkel reunite so much I'm not even sure "reunite" is the right word.

have you heard the song? It's about the hypocrisy of "progressives," not some love letter to segregation.

Enjoyed the feeble joke at the expense of the director who died sadly young!

how triumphant can a whistleblowing movie be if the effects of whistle blown haven't done jack shit apart from getting a movie no one will watch put into development?

whoever the person is who somehow thinks "Girls" hasn't gotten enough love in its shitty run—a "beau" is a man. Unless the show actually pushed a boundary, you used the word wrong. Something I wouldn't have bothered mentioning except to undermine the praise of such a vastly overrated show in some column about

"Witless Hollywood takedowns." Is that what Bruce Wagner writes? We're all entitled to our own little opinions, but that's kind of akin to saying, "Twilight Zone rehashes" about Philip K. Dick. Wagner's a major novelist, a novelist's novelist, and his muse is that most unliterary of lands, Los Angeles, which he

David Denby in the New Yorker loved this movie, which makes me suspect this review is right on the money. The hinted at spoiler sounds extremely irritating.

Dabney Coleman, Bob Newhart.

Hence the Randy Newman song, "rednecks."

Would you consider Proust pop culture or tooting/shoehorning one's own intellectual bonafides into a barely related article to feel smart?

you guys seem really unduly harsh on the Simpsons consistently. Granted its had its peaks and valleys, but we are not in its valleys these days. Go do another circle jerk with ho hum fare like Bob's Burgers or—Christ—American Dad. This show deserves more respect.