
EnShow? Hmmmmmmm…

"Bear" Wyatt?

What if this is all a ruse by them; that both faked attacks, with them pretending to split? Knowing Vince, I can just see him loving some twists and turns.

Ulis' size can hurt him, but he was a great partner for Booker at UK.


And those pits need some real deodorant.

I smell an E.T. cameo!


*heads to wait in line*

Still want a "The Hulk In Jurassic Park" flick…movie perfection right there.

*looks down in shame*


*wears toga in tribute*

Not unless it's a major part of the plot.

Can we get chocolate and marshmallows to go with the Grammys?

*does Goldberg-style "GINSBEEEEEERG!!!" chant*

How would I know?

You Can't Si Me…

Would buy.

Who cares? I just want Boogie and The Brow to come for some tag belts!