
It's the little things.

To touch on the two comments, if you head to Domino's and get a Bacon/Hamburger/Jalapeno pizza, but have BBQ sauce instead of regular, it's quite delicious.


That final slow-mo shot…good god.

Yesterday, I saw these movies for the first time:

Rest In Peace, Bats.


I'd rather see him Gianforte-feit his seat…

It wasn't just about potential flippers or fence-sitters going for Trump, but about enthusiasm. Pre-letter(after the Access Hollywood tape and the debates), the level of her supporters who considered themselves "enthusiastic" was in the 90's, while Trump's were in the 70's. Once the letter hit, those numbers flipped.

Several years ago, they had peppermint flavor around the holidays. Haven't seen them again. Rather sad, because they were amazing.

*raises fist in solidarity*

Heck, just have them call for a mic after getting hit with some move and go "Ouch!", then handing it back.

James "The Hidden Gem" Ellsworth

Have to admit, "BALLS OF FIRE!!!" is a fun chant.

Hiding in plain sight.

Yesterday, I saw The Town for the first time. Light, family comedy…

Well, being older and all that helps, lol.

Still pissed we never got to see Yoda do his thing in the original series.

Didn't start having disposable income until the year 2000, so I missed out on quite a few comedies in a packed theater. Harold And Maude reminds me of one…There's Something About Mary; with Dumb&Dumber, The Birdcage, and American Pie being others I would have liked to see.

Same thoughts. Loved me some PT(and the trailers), but hated DP.