
How highly you must think of yourself that anyone who disagrees with your opinion is an ignorant illiterate. Oh if I could only acquire just a tenth of your greatness. PS. kindly go fuck yourself.

I’ve had some eye-opening conversations with folks I thought I knew, but in most of those instances they fall into the ignorant category. They’re just not critical thinkers, or curious, or literate in politics or economics or law.

Fuck off, lib.

Some of us benefitted from a tough coach in our athletic careers who actually taught us something. I guess your band leader was a little softer on you.

This is absolutely ridiculous and of course one of the most liberal newspapers in the country started this. Almost all of us that have been athletes have been talked to that way at some point in time and while it sucked at the time it made us stronger people. I'm seriously scared for where this country is heading if a

Now this is some namby-pamby bullshit. These kids are so over-sensitive and soft now. They got a $200,000 deal and couldn’t handle the pressure of what comes with the obligation.

Respectfully, I disagree. A grown up expresses frustration by rolling his eyes, or sighing. Once you let your anger take over, you are acting like a child.