Kip Mooney

I feel like that whole “No depictions of him ever or woe unto you” thing probably hurts Muhammad in the fame department vs. Jesus who, say what you will, knew how to brand.

I don’t know. In order to be famous somebody would have to be able to recognize your face, right? Well, just try to get somebody to accurately depict the prophet Muhammad. All of a sudden everybody’s memory gets real foggy.

More like Real Salty Language. Amirite? Tip your waiter, folks.

Imagine being too homophobic for Utah.

The most embarrassing aspect of this is he was actually taking the League Cup seriously. It’s like getting a red card after the end of the indoor co-ed rec game.

When “keeping it Real” goes wrong.

Guys, what if Left Shark wasn’t just screwing up her Super Bowl performance?

The Ringer Union Negotiations: An Oral History

That’s what I assumed, the moment I saw that Rounders poster.

Barstool offered him a job as Chief Barstool Officer. 

Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.

So... why did you even bother opening this news item?

Sports is the only commons left where the MAGA invertebrates slither out from under their FoxNews & Facebook rocks and encounter others, so this is why hearing **gasp** mainstream political commentary on a sports program is so annoying to them. When ESPN does a lukewarm spot about Frank Robinson or something, it

Don’t forget Disney’s comeback with Little Mermaid.

This just reinforces how bonkers the summer of 1989 was for classic movies. In a four month stretch the following came out:

Agreed on Doom. His introduction to the MCU needs to be as subtle and insidious as this comics mastermind deserves.