
You actually believe companies could save 23 cents on the dollar just by hiring more women and they don't take it? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm sure these greedy corporations are just so kind to their fellow bros because they have a penis like them. You are dumb.

Me! Me! Me! What do you have to offer Me?

You are angry. Seek help.

She is probably not a catch either.

You sound like one of those tea baggers who tell people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

So you don't like black-ISH. Is it because there aren't enough white people in the show? Or is it because the black people in the show have jobs? I bet you tell everyone you have black friends also.

Here comes the white dude to tell us POC what is right and wrong. Don't you have some minorities to suppress somewhere?

Still haven't learned about Columbusing yet. I am not surprised.

Obnoxious White Women Problems

You are just mad because you are an annoying white woman and are finally being called out for how obnoxious you are.

Aren't white people awful? You are probably still a pretty horrible white woman (nothing is worse), but I might be able to tolerate you for a minute.

You are so right. See So Ovary It's post. Look at me! I'm a white woman and no one is paying attention to me!

You are an annoying attention seeker. Mostly likely an obnoxious white woman.

You are the worst type of #notallwhitepeople guy. I bet you have black friends also. I think white people are awful and you are proving my point.


"There ain't nothing uglier than an old white woman."

Here we go again. You are just another ignorant tea partier who is against anything the government does. I bet you hate the TSA because it employs a lot of black people.

Stupid white women.

Hi buddy. I missed you. Why didn't you respond to my other post? I'm sorry I called you out for being a stupid redneck from the south the other day. Just because I was right, doesn't me I should call you out in front of all your friends.

Let me taste your white tears. So delicious.