
If you ask millionaires who pay taxes, say in Norway, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands, they will say, of COURSE we pay more taxes than you—we make more money! Our society works better when we have National Healthcare, Care homes for our elderly relatives, and free Uni for students.

In the 50s, 60s, millionaires paid taxes of 90% on everything over the first $10 million. Now they pay no taxes, even though Trump gave them a 15% tax break (2017 TCJA)—probably how much Bezos donated to Food Banks.

I was searching for the video (& came across this article) where Tr*mp stands on his gold-plated stairs outside Tr*mp Tower on video saying “they must have done something”, after the New York Five were exonerated. After all, he implied—they’re not even WHITE for god’s sake! Now, D.Duncecap is president, god help us

No, I’m married to a woman and I am a man. If I mentioned the word anal, my wife would answer, sure what do you want me to put in your ass? Vibrator, dildo?