

However, those first few deaths before Thanos snaps his fingers feel pretty permanent—so Heimdall, Loki, and maybe even Gamora could permanently be toast.

Don’t worry, there’s an Aquaman movie coming out in November and that’s going to make, like, triple what Infinity War will do.

No, I think you’re right. He’s the only character with any kind of oversight or perspective, and he chose their path intentionally to lead them to that end.

Also, Stephen has come a loooong way from being an atheist, skeptic heart surgeon, to being supreme magic-person.

“Does it seem to anyone else that Doctor Strange possibly gave up the Time stone because he saw that in his vision when he looked at all possible outcomes?”

That’s totally how I read that scene. Especially with the “endgame” comment.

Yeah, it’s pretty obvious he knows what he needed to do to win

What if this is the one outcome where they win.

Possibly, but he won’t actually be dead. He’s already been confirmed in his Ronin outfit for filming for the 4th Avengers.

Yeah I need 100% more Bucky.

Just film him for like 3 hours so he doesn’t know its only 5 minutes.

Thoughts and prayers

It’s like watching Darth Vader remove his mask.

I don’t know. The shock value at the time was fun, but it became “what crazy shit can they get away with this issue” and honestly, that detracted somewhat for me now re-reading it. I think there is plenty they can tone down and not lose the essence at all. I mean, if they can keep it at the level of Sopranos, I think

Maybe the guards like to watch.

And David Jason as Albert, fantastic. It shall be watched, as it is every Christmas on St Stephens/Boxing Day.

I know what you mean. He killed it in that role

The Ned Flanders of Middle-Earth.

If you remember the ending of the dinosaurs, you remember the ending of Dinosaurs.