
F&F haters don’t hate the franchise. They hate joy.

Like a variation of the Habsburg jaw.

Honest question, no troll, not Trump supporter.......

I’m not in agreement with anything he says, with one exception; that you can’t have an open and honest conversation anymore, without it turning into “That’s fake news” or an SJW witch hunt, because you aren’t in agreement with them.

I’ve been to Iceland AND Wyoming.

Except that Hillary and DNC heads directly colluded to disadvantage Sanders and interfere with the primary.

Trump was also up against basically the worst candidate the Democrats could have put forward. No personality, decades of baggage, averse to transparency, motivates the other side against her, unwilling to change or listen to others, and spent her time running a victory lap instead of a campaign.

Everybody’s shit day is relative. My day was bad but there’s someone out there who had a worse day than me. Enjoy your drambuie!

I think you hit the nail on the head when you say their abstinence, and their being public about it, is threatening to dearly held Jez/Deadspin ideals. Nothing more hypocritical than intolerant liberals. Which I say as a typical liberal, feminist, atheist Jez reader.

Good point. Honestly, i think most people are not put off by Portman’s intelligence, nor her pride in it, but by the sometimes overweaning sincerity of her public persona. Personally she seems like a basically inoffensive answer to the thought, “whatever happened to that woman from college who used to do the most

I think we might be cousins.

Maybe I am naive, but I really didnt expect to see so much bullshit cynicism in these replies. This man just lost his wife, this child her mama, and this lovely woman her life. Have some fucking empathy and maybe don’t try to monday night quarterback the way people choose to deal with the terminal illness of their

God, i dislike people like you so much. First of all, you are looking back at an event that was happening in the past, with the mindset we have now. If you go back a bit you’ll see that the rules of the past don’t apply to the modern world at all, but i bet you’re reading all those history books with a smug look on

Yeah, I really don’t get the snotty attitude towards Taylor on this one. She was famous - very famous - before Kanye ever grabbed the microphone from her.

And then said I owed him sex because of it. Kanye has really been into rape culture recently.

Something something white privilege?

Fucking good for her. I'd be pissed if some egomaniacal dude was trying to take credit for my massive success too. This is the most I've ever liked Taylor Swift.

As a Gen Xer, I hope when I get old I can STFU about the 90s.

You know what I’m bored of? Everything being critiqued in this light of White/Black Man/Woman - it’s fucking entertainment. There are legit 10 million other world issues to be dealing with than representation in media.

I really want to give this a shot now, I was born in the mid-80s and grew up in the 90s and there has always been this amazing mystique about the freedom of the 70s. It’s amazing how much more prudish and restrictive we’ve become. In comparison we are the new Victorians, I’d rather be doing poppers on the dance floor