“Houston wouldn’t be so humid if it weren’t for all the gerrymandering!!”
“Houston wouldn’t be so humid if it weren’t for all the gerrymandering!!”
I think anyone who says otherwise has never been to Texas.
I’m like def-con 5 lesbo.
I feel you Mo. I have no idea why people think you are blaming her. All you are saying is if dude has many kids with many women...don’t be surprised if you aren’t the one that changes him. It is cool if you like that sort of thing, but if you are actually looking for a family you might want to stay away from this…
Please. Woman here who is proud to work in the comic industry. Take you snobbery and go read a graphic novel because you’re severely misinformed about who should be reading comics, and at what age you should stop. Here’s a hint, it’s the same age you should give up on reading. Perhaps you’ve already done that and…
I just love your story! Yours is a romance I can get behind. Perhaps because I am in my 40s and also not a young-en.
Beyonce was in it too but let’s just focus on Coldplay. God forbid anyone say anything bad about Beyonce.
FingersInTheBootyAssBitch is extremely common. I can’t think of a business meeting where it’s been said less than 10 times.
I read this article and my head nearly exploded. I did development work for 3 years in El Salvador, and because of the extremely oppressive religious and patriarchal culture there, what most young women in the countryside know about their own bodies and reproductive health could fit in a matchbox. There is little to…
When I lived in Philly, we once ordered Chinese food in a snowstorm and the guy came on his bicycle. We felt bad, so we offered him some hot chocolate, but he declined. As a thank you, I gave him the biggest tip I’ve ever given to a delivery guy.
Oh yeah, he and Toki are my other boyfriends. I think it’s awesome that Skwisgaar loves the older ladies! :D
Culprit should have been buried in a concrete bridge abutment.
Same hair and I use the same products. Also my husband blows my hair out for me every day. (He is a former hair stylist). He recommended those products to make HIS life easier so you are right on!!
It’s so wonderful you’re here to live life with your child. Screw everyone who pressured you during one of your toughest times. Formula is literally life-saving at times, and to hell with anyone who judges you for it.
It’s why outside of NYC and Los Angeles, they don’t get real socialites.
“They could have used a more gender neutral phrase, like “political spouse.””
Because every time someone hears the nature of a crime, they forget to objectively apply their general principles about mercy and justice; and use their opinions and biases about the crime, the victim, and the criminal to determine what the sentence ought to have been. Then they frequently push for harsher sentencing…
What a moving defense of a murderer and torturer. Brought a tear to my eye.
This is Adequate Man, not I Spent $500 On Snow Tires And Probably Also Didn't Use Underwear As A Washcloth This Morning Man.