
Exactly. He has the right to express his opinions and ideas without the government punching him in the face. The rest of us are free to do it.

Freedom of speech means freedom from government prosecution because of speech; it doesn’t mean freedom from societal consequences.

Nope - you’re exactly right. They’re freaks of nature—and I mean that in an envious way—and whether they’re born in Croydon or Beverly Hills makes no difference. They’re tall and thin and gorgeous and look good in clothes - so they become models. Some of them suck on the runway - cf Gigi, who fucking galumphs down the

She’s always been that, though. That’s who she is. She’s not the nice kind of Diva.

We had the big table model dryer with the bonnet like at the hair dresser’s. In pink. I hated that thing.

Apparently Comcast is so evil even Xenu can’t harm it.

I have a feeling it’s gonna be difficult for me to watch at times. I get completely blubbery about mothers and fathers being cut off from their children, plus Scientology’s treatment of children is horrific in itself. It’s gonna make my ugly cry, I assume.

Yep. Only seen the first two but I was fascinated.

But is that your line to draw, or anyone’s? Jewish isn’t just a faith, it’s a culture and ethnicity. If an atheist Jew is still a Jew, why isn’t a Christian Jew still a Jew? Jesus, as a historical human being and regardless of claims of divinity, was Jewish.

Tolerant, much?

And also think about how it’s only in the past 10 years - maybe even more recently than that? - that the internet has blown up with people discussing the abuses and wacked out weirdness of Scientology. In the early days of the web Scientology told the rank and file not to read about it online but these days I don’t

Dippity Do. Pink hair tape. Screaming and crying as my mother rolled my hair on bristly curlers and made me sit at the dining table under the big pink hair dryer.

I do not miss the 70s.

I wish that one gray hair on my jawline (perilously close) to my chin would get the fucking message. YOU’RE NOT WANTED. STAY AWAY.

I can only give you one star, so have a Hallelujah.

(And don’t forget DWS.)

(Not implying they should burn the DNC down with people inside it or anything. I’m contemptuous, not crazy.)

If I were a Democratic activist (I’m neither D nor R nor L nor C), I’d be organizing a kindling gathering party to burn down the DNC unless everyone on it resigns.

Yep. And anyway, Clinton’s ground game was bad, as evidenced in this article.

From what I’ve read, both during and after the election, this was all stuff Bill complained about. He told her to stop talking about Trump and start talking about the economy, about the ACA’s problems. He told her to get out among people - more visits, more handshaking, less data, more grassroots.

And for some reason

Whoop! My ancestors! (Quite possibly - haven’t done much with the German line of my family yet.)

Late to the party but do y’all have any recs on sources about the Eastern Empire? I’m fascinated by the Byzantines. I’ve got some Norwich books but I’m wondering if anyone’s done podcasts or other online stuff.

Oh fuck that guy. Besides, Chris Evert’s no coward anyway.