
Ok I gotta know - what’s with Crissy Evert and the Roman Empire?

I was a legal secretary back in the 90s and my boss, an older partner, was a big player in the Texas GOP. He knew Kay Bailey Hutchison and GWB - this was during the Bush I administration so W hadn’t even been Governor yet.

I talked to him on the phone many times and he was the nicest, most relaxed guy. Always called me

She’s right - I refuse to believe RBG farts.

You also can’t scream to kill something when killing it requires several (or many?) states to give up their power in electing a President. I mean, you can, but it won’t help you.

The electoral college can only be abolished via Constitutional amendments. Which requires a Constitutional convention — which itself can only

Thank you, Jordan. Succint, thought provoking, and, IMO at least, correct.

Don’t do something that would establish a precedent wouldn’t want The Other Guys following later. Don’t approve of Your Guys doing something that would establish a precendent you wouldn’t want The Other Guys follwing later.

See, e.g., Harry

And he can’t be filibustered because the Democrats, while in the majority and under Harry Reid’s leadership, “reformed” the filibuster so that it can no longer be used for executive appointments, save Supreme Court Justices.

Because apparently Reid and fellow Democrats didn’t think there would ever again be a

It’s evil. Same as the people who say people “invite” cancer into their bodies. Which bears more than a passing resemblance to evangelicals who push the “prosperity Gospel” which is, from a Christian perspective, just fucking evil.

I swear the celebs who do this are mentally ill. I cannot imagine not wanting people to look at me or speak to me. I would be so uncomfortable in a room with people who didn’t acknowledge me. WTF sick kind of need do you have if you actually seek out that kind of behavior?

Wholly shit. Why didn’t I know about that? Inexcusable.

Oh, so he’s not a psychiatrist? I didn’t know that.

I wonder if his license is still current. And if it is, if a complaint would be taken seriously by whatever state’s (Texas? California?) medical board would have jurisdiction.

I know it sounds silly but I love the fact that SK is still married to his first wife. He didn’t follow the Tortured Artist Suffers a Long Time, Gets Rich and Famous, Buys a New Wife plot and I admire that.

I’ve wanted to read Hill - his books seem like they’d be more interesting to me than King’s (I don’t like horror or gross stuff - although I devoured The Stand) - what do you think is Hill’s best book?

When I saw this video this morning it was Kubrick I first thought of. Fuck that guy.

Use bottled water, not tap. My doctor’s like “nah, Houston tap water’s good, it’s very, very unlikely.” But since it’s never happened with bottled water, I’ll go with that.

I just hate the feeling of water through my nose. Gack.

OMG I live in Chrome and never knew this. Thank you Kind Internet Stranger!!!

Haven’t read Gaskell in 30 years, still shudder to remember some of what she described.

I have fairly mild asthma and a propensity for bronchitis. I wouldn’t have reached adulthood in a 19th century industrialized city, most likely.

Because you can’t feel the heat or smell the sweat, much less all the other malodorous scents people who dressed in heavy clothing and didn’t bathe (or wash their clothes) everyday carried with them all the time; you don’t think about pooping in the urn in your armoire and leaving it out in the hall for the night soil

I’ve been going round and round with my mom about this. 82, cognitively declining but not senile, devout Christian (Southern Baptist/Episcopal) who’s always been your traditional “values voter.”

I’ve been ranting for months about certain evangelicals’ embrace of Trump. So yeah, she voted for him. And I said from here

I like boinked. Also bonked, banged, and shagged.