
I don't think that character are suddenly "imbued" with other sensate abilities, but rather, as the show does explains, the person with the abilities takes control of the other's body. I'll admit it's not made clear in that first fight scene with Capheus and Sun, though, and both of them don't seem to be aware that it


If Glados can survive in a potato, The Machine can survive in a suitcase.

Oooh, you're right. But she didn't in the end though.

Root doesn't disobey the Machine since killing Beth was her own plan, not a Machine order…
Otherwise, plot-wise, it seems oddly easy to escape ingesting neurotoxins.
Reese and Iris : can we not ? She fell for him. What a surprise. *roll eyes* That was predictable from aeons ago.
I didn't really like this episode. It's

On the other hand, it does make sense for such a young AI to have such cliché ideas… :D

Yes, that always bothers me when people state that the Machine ordered them to kill the senator. It didn't. The ultimate choice was always in human hands, which is just as Finch designed the Machine to act. Death Benefit is probably my favourite episode of last year, even before the final act, because it has that

didn't they mix both Machine and Samaritan POV in the intro ?

I don't see how simply pointing out a pretty big geographical error is a crusade. You seem to be the one taking my remarks far too personally. *shrug*

Really ?
Because someone on Shield (Tripp) distinctly says "Iceberg in the Middle East? Gill is not subtle." about the ship being frozen in Casablanca's port. That's what I'm referring to, not the reference in the review.

Wow, the script writers have a problem with geography, because unless continents just shifted over night, Morocco is definitely NOT in the Middle-East.

What really gets me is that other sites that pretend to like science-fiction are passing on POI because it's on CBS and it came in the guise of a full on procedural (and the pilot was not exactly enlightening either). When really, it's actually probably hands down the best sf show on tv right now in it's understated