So what? The band is comprised of fictional representation of real people right?
So what? The band is comprised of fictional representation of real people right?
Your company loves sex tapes
I mean, just to be clear, you admitted that the “story didn’t sit right” with you yesterday, but still wrote it anyway? Like, your gut told you this might be some sort of hoax, but decided to take the risk of publicizing anyway? Probably, because, you know, pageviews.
This kind of story make gawker media and it’s readers salivate. Don’t even try to appear outraged.
According to people that tried to download it, including Anna, it resulted in an error message. At least it appears that they did not actually take money
You totally fell for a hoax without doing your basic legwork or using some journalistic common sense, and now you’re trying to cover your tracks and hide your shame by lashing out at the band. You yourself are taking no responsibility what so ever for your part in perpetuating this by being a bad journalist.
“Yesterday, we told you about YACHT, a Los Angeles-based band and romantic duo who said a sex tape of theirs had been stolen by someone who was planning to circulate it widely. It was a hoax, and they tried months ago to get our company in on it. This is fucking gross.”